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Welcome to Mary Magdalene’s School
and thank you so much for visiting our website!
We are so happy you have found us and we look forward to getting to know you better!
The process of remembering can sometimes feel like a labyrinth and it is very helpful to have a guiding light to know that we are held by Eternal Grace. Mary Magdalene’s School offers extensive possibilities to support your spiritual growth, no matter the level of your spiritual awakening process. You will find many FREE offerings as well as an array of meditations & transmissions, online programs, courses, workshops, and physical retreats.
To support your spiritual awakening and the full embodiment of your True Essence, we have created a curriculum offering four, often intertwined, pathways for spiritual emergence: Healing, Initiation, Remembrance and Creation. The journey of awakening is a highly individual process, as it engages us in an independent path of inquiry about the nature of reality. For this reason, the curriculum may be approached intuitively, in various ways. When we commit to our own spiritual emergence, we open to a reality we have always known to exist, deep within ourselves, and it is for this reason that we talk about remembering…
May we invite you now to read more about us and the school? Discover all the ways you can engage with us and with our beautiful community!
Petra M. van der Linden - Brussen
Born in the Netherlands, for much of her life Petra led international projects & organisations from the space of the heart. Parallel to her career, she had initiations in several mystery schools, studied astrology, Jungian psychology, and multidimensional energetic healing, and graduated from a School of Nature Medicine. Her longtime dream was a school of life in which consciousness work was the basis for creating a New Era. Her heart’s purpose is to guide humanity back into the Unified Field, and to help humans remember their divine heritage. She is guided by Mary Magdalene, who called her to Vézelay, and by many ascended masters & light beings, to invite humankind to step into a new level of Earth life anchored in inner and outer peace, harmony and oneness.
Anna Vanickova
After finishing her music studies in Canada, Anna spent 15 years in the Czech Republic where she went through a deep remembering process of her healing & teaching abilities. She studied & practiced kinesiology and many other healing modalities. Through contact with shamans and Indian spiritual masters, she began working with multidimensional, intergalactic awareness, ascended masters, angels, dragons and many galactic and inner earth light beings. After creating many visionary projects in spirituality, arts & education in Prague, she was guided through the spiritual realms to move to Vézelay, France, to work with the Divine Mother and to grow spiritual community. At heart an educator, she guides people to reconnect with their divine light, to grow miracle consciousness through inner oneness & spiritual creation mechanisms.
How Anna & Petra Met
Both Anna & Petra were called to live in Vézelay, France, where in 2016 they met through a friend and became neighbours! Since the moment they began doing spiritual work together, they began experiencing new levels of shifts in consciousness and interdimensional healing. As they continued to weave their paths of light together, they witnessed how Vézelay – the Higher Heart Chakra of Gaia and a portal for Divine Union – began to activate into higher frequencies. And in March 2020, together, they stepped into a whole new level of spiritual service …
Mary Magdalene’s School
Pathways to Remembering
To facilitate your discovery of our school, we suggest pathways to our offerings below. Below you can discover all of the ways you can engage with our beautiful community.
Join our FREE Online Global Peace Meditations...
We communicate about all our upcoming events, including global peace meditations, through our monthly newsletter and social media channels, so connect with us!
Cosmic Keys of Sophia Christ Consciousness
Cosmic Keys of Sophia Christ Consciousness
You are a Galactic Rainbow Bridge
You are the Rose of all Creation
Ready to learn more?
Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage:
Journey into the New Earth
A great place to begin is with our book, Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage: Journey into the New Earth.
This book is a guide for our soul family through this transition time, to support the process of purifying and uplifting our consciousness, connecting to the Sacred Space of the Heart, igniting the Light Body to access and inhabit our original multidimensional nature, leading to the use of our full human capacities.
Ready to dive?
We recommend purchasing our on-line course entitled “We Are The Ones”.
This 2-month online course is designed for independent study, conceived through the mystery school tradition to support you in your spiritual awakening. Spiritual emergence is a process of YOU emerging into the world as your True Self. As you awaken, you will see that deeply encoded in you is a connection to many, if not all, the themes presented in this course. It is a wonderful collection of elements if you need discipline and a framework for integrating spiritual practice into your daily life.
Ready to dive deeper?
We offer Meditations, Transmissions & Initiations…
These are guided, initiatic journeys in which we remember our most original consciousness, our multi-dimensional being, and through which we re-activate innate inner capacities. In these journeys and realms, we discover, remember and heal. We enter the mystical field of miracles and co-create new timelines with Gaia. These meditations are a tool for re-coding our brain and activating DNA in order to align us with our original blueprint, the blueprint we have been given by Creator.
We also have a variety of online workshops which you can explore here...
Our workshops support the process of sublimation and transmutation into higher understandings about our place and role in the universe and our functioning as multidimensional beings. As we experiment with and normalize our conscious co-creation with the angelic realms, with our galactic light family, with our inner earth light family, as well as with Gaia’s nature kingdom, we will feel ourselves coming into the next level of our mastery and creation of the Golden Age.
In addition to our educational offerings,
we regularly host Sophia Christ Healing Circles (donation based)
Sophia Christ Healing Circle
This circle is an interdimensional healing space emanating from the Sophia Christ consciousness of One. Participants regularly find a new level of ease and expanded capacity in daily life after these meetings, and we receive countless messages about spontaneous healings and shifts in consciousness. The primary focus of this circle is healing suffering, which may manifest as spiritual, physical, emotional or psychological pain. Any dis-ease or discomfort can be brought into this field in order to be alchemized and liberated.
Feel like you’ve found your way home?
Please join our Remembership Community!
Soul Family! A basic need in these times! We all need a place to drop our masks and armours, a safe space to share our spiritual processes honestly with like-minded, heart-based, open, curious people. A place to remember, to accept ourselves and others fully, to support each other through life challenges as we walk a path illuminated by our inner light. This community is a forum in which members support each other and receive nourishment, mirroring and inspiration.
Feel like you’ve found your Family?
You want to connect in person?
Then, please join one of our live retreats!
Imagine soul family finally coming HOME, to a place that we know is HOME, feeling in aligned resonance inside our deepest being! Imagine creating a heart field so powerful that it changes the course of history! Several times a year, Mary Magdalene’s School organizes international retreats. In these retreats, under the guidance of Mary Magdalene, we work with ascended masters, with our galactic light family, our inner earth family and with various realms of elemental beings. We remember what it is like to live in Unity Consciousness.