Sophia Christ Healing Circle
Suur Maj Z.
Transmission 3 for the third time. Each time is different. I need to repeat it again and again. Until the memories are not swimming in tears any longer.
Susan Laura van der L.
Transmission #3 – Endless tears, recognition.. no words
Pascaline D.
Transmission 3 for the second time, still sleeping most of the time and waking up at very precise moments, still wondering why these Heliopolis transmissions are so difficult to keep me awake… Suddenly I heard a voice that was not Petra’s saying “your turn now” when we were invited to clear energies. I saw me with a wand making light figures in the air. The healing of the priestesses triggered a strong serpent kundalini energy.
Susan N.
I just did transmission #3. Incredible Light I have no words for……. Yet
Thank you for the transmissions and the opportunity to step into the possibilities and activations …
Mary C.
I am finding this a truly wonderful course and it seems to bring things together for me with a deeper understanding than I have had before now. The meditation on the Aquamarine Ray touched my soul and I really felt part of an important mission – my third time listening to it this morning was truly profound. The structure is wonderful too as the meaningful content builds incrementally and there are days which have less to enable us to catch up.
I wish to sincerely thank from my heart Anna, Petra and all the team who put this course together. It is very obvious that it has taken a huge amount of work and I feel privileged to be one of the recipients of the life-changing material.
Susan Laura
After I lit a peace candle and sat down on one of the benches I listened to the first transmission of the Magdalene-Melchizedek teachings, which I just received that morning.
And then the most powerful experience in my lifetime so far unfolded.
There’s a point in this transmission where Maria Magdalena asks for permission to move into a merger or a deepened connection with our system in order to open the archives of light for the power and the prayers of peace to be manifest through a combined harmonic resonance of the sacred geometries of light of the feminine and masculine Melchizedek principles.
I felt my deep yes and in that instant I experienced this merging of consciousness as an incredibly powerful descent of what I described at the time as a merging with the Holy Spirit.
I saw and felt how a cross of light permeated my entire being, deeply opening up my cell and soul memory.
An inner activation so intense and clear, deeply seeing, feeling, knowing, remembering I’m an intrinsic part of such a vast, all encompassing light structure and divine mission / plan, that I can never ever feel worthless or small throughout the rest of my existence again.
It all fell so synchronistically into place, this merging with the Sophia Christ consciousness, together with my intention of Divine Union.
As a direct consequence, it sparked the threefold heart flame within my being, enabling me to feel so deeply I AM their Divine child. Coming home into this Holy Trinity. For me this was the first time I deeply felt it, instead of just understanding it. All these concepts and teachings over the years, initiated into embodiment now. I am initiated by this ritual of light; the Illumination of the Sophia Christ Consciousness inside me.
Virginia N.
This programme touched me deeply and yet seemed to slip in very easily! For me Anna and Petra’s voices carry a beautiful, sincere and very high level of consciousness, which takes me to a place beyond words which is my own next level of consciousness. An exquisite way to return to my true self…! Thank you so much.
Mayuri O.
I have done a few programs since I joined the Remembrance Program a few months ago. Each one has opened greater spiritual experiences and capacities that I didn’t even know were possible. Unlike anything I have done in my 40 years as a serious seeker. A Path of Peace Mary Magdalene Alchemy was exactly that- alchemy, profound alchemy. It not only benefited me, but I truly feel it is a benefit for the evolution of all of humanity.
Denise V.
Beginning the meditations with Anna and Petra year’s ago helped me to recover and connect with my inner self again after very stressful times working and taking care and passing of ALL my nearest family members and most of my next and dearest friends within a very short time.
The path of peace progress/ meditations has been a journey to recovery and releasing strong emotions and destructive patterns.
First reaction was strong hearth pain ( had moments I thought of consulting med. doctor but it passed without) and uncontrollable outbreaks of tears 😭)
Followed by a strange and strong sparkling feeling ( like champagne bubbles) I my skull that gets even stronger whenever I meditate.
The influx of light got and still is very strong.
It helped me to restore effortless faith and connection to my divine guiding force.
Babaji who I’m connected with since many years (so lucky to spend time in his ashram in Haidakahn India last year) is watching over me and I experience a deep sense of spiritual connection and new sense of lightness!
💝 Thank you Anna and Petra for your support!
Love and light to all sainted souls 💖
Mariann S.
Ups i cant rate, its beyond that, even beyond comments, there have been transmissions where I was deeply touched..with the andromedars and the meditation..I can feel your love, your authentic engagement in all these transmissions and thats the most precious for me. Sometimes I am not completly in resonance with all the stations on a transmission journey and am more accesible to the simpler ones and jet the most important is the feeling and not the form..the feelings has been always there and the vibration comes through and was/is very fullfilling for me.Thank you so much for your care, your determination and your love!
Everything was good, except the last transmission on December 21 when I was not possible to connect.
First transmission:
when Petra was describing the entrance of the cave and underground corridors and entrance in the underground room which walls was full of diamonds, at that moment I was emanating soul light so strong and also the diamonds was reflecting and emanating light. The light was so bright as there was Sun inside the room. I was overwhelming by feelings.
Similar vision I had last October, when was together with Ana Maria R. on Bosnian Pyramids. During the meditation in the tunnels Ravne I asked myself ( in consideration on my knowledge that I was living under the pyramids long ago ) what we were doing? because there was a group of women only. Than, to me was showed the underground room, which was connected with underground corridors to each of five pyramids on the valley of Visoko. This room is in the midst of the valley, deep down. The walls of this room, in my vision, was full of crystals different colors.
The answer on my question was…we were keeping the Light.
In this transmission I understood that we were keepers of the Light records witch exist in those crystals.
Second transmission:
I was going in the Library of light records and easily pick up some personal records.
I was a girl of six or seven years old. I was standing completely alone in the space witch I was not been able to identify because everything around me was without of the form, it was dissolved.
In another past life I was a woman with skills of dematerialization my body and materialization on another location. I used this in battels.
And some past lives with my tween flame.
Elinor T.
I shared this on FB, but I figured I will email you as well. I certainly belong to the silent student category of this wonderful school! Thank you Anna and Petra for the amazing work. I often feel/sense your wisdom and downloading of spirit to happen with the loving speed of light, whereas my journey is more about a lovely trainride through a beautiful country side, quite slow! Once in a while it speeds up!
Anyhow, I wanted to reflect on the records of Gaia and get some feedback from all of you. It is so much information and downloading that I know it will take time to integrate this into my. From early fall in my meditations I have noticed that more light is easier accesible, or my lightbody is more prominent when I move into heartspace. And certainly new Gaia meditations opened up so much more. I am fascinated by the disc even though I don’t really get it. In my day I can think and reflect on ” how is it to go and buy milk and cheese feelign so much light inside, or cleaning the house, or working etc.! At the same time as I am noticing and feel-sensing my lightbody being so much more present, as in ”I am source, I am light” – I am also dealing with my physical body that needs recovering, that needs to eat protein, that needs to heal the digestive system and the thyroid. And I feel like I exist on two planes! I am aware of the idea of our carbon DNA being activated to crystal DNA and I feel that in my inner planes, but at the same time my carbon DNA and how I need to honor my body is very much in the 3D realm. I sometimes experience a contradiction with this even though I don’t want to. I would love to hear how others work with this, time-space, digestive system, new biology, inner planes outside of time-space conundrum! Thank you!
Maitreya S.
This program of meditations was incredible as always, Anna & Petra are true devotees to walking The Way. They are amazing channels for this very cosmic and powerful work. I would say I am still feeling the affects as my physical body is quite sore, and the solar disc integration has been a big one for me, the discomfort comes and goes.
I would say for anyone joining this work not to be naive to the fact that this is big energy, and the body will need all the help it can get, a change in diet (hard for me, working on it). Grounding and meditating are essential, once you accept you need to keep going, there really is no turning back. And having a physical body worker or healer to help with the integration was good advice.
For me this work is still in the integration phase so there is a lot of discomfort, however the glimpse of bliss and pure love in the meditations is so sweet. I can’t wait to walk this New Earth with everyone. This is the real deal and I am so grateful for IT.
Virginia N.
I really loved the first transmission. It took me into a new depth of feeling just so loved and held. Beautiful colours and images came to me the first time I experienced the transmission , I felt my body dissolving somewhat and I was returned to a state of innocence. In later experiences of the transmission these feelings of innocence , of dissolving and of being just so loved were repeated in different ways- for example with feeling very fluid in my body and with swimming with dolphins back in Atlantis- a clear picture was shown to me. I have had this image on a number of occasions over about 6 years, but never as clearly as in this transmission! I have also received advice and messages from my guides during practice of this transmission- concerning my return to deeper sovereignty over my experience and what I am called to now…Thank you so very much.
Milica O.
I was very excited when we were traveling to the Cosmic Records of Light, because when we arrived there it was everything well known, so I was opening few records with easy and joy.
The 7th transmission is the most interesting to me because of resurrections St Lazarus and St Josef, the way that it was done. In them were activated secret seed of high vibrational DNA connected with Arc of Covenant.
In the teachings of Grigori P. Grobovoi the knowledge of resurrection each of us have in our soul, so when we open our consciousness to this part of our soul we can use this knowledge in everyday conscious mind to resurrect needed parts of our body or to help someone to resurrect her/his own body. Grigori offers some methods for training this.
When we were connecting Mother stone of Cyprus with Heliopolis temple in Egypt, Temple of Solomon in Israel and another place of our wish, I was leaded to Bosnian pyramids where are underground rooms under the valley between the pyramids. Down there is maybe a stone as one on Cyprus or big crystal ? and I saw the Light which was connecting with other places. It was wonderful!
Paula R.
Loved it. I feel I belong there. It’s my soul purpose.
Megan Joy B.
The Heliopolis Meditations feel like a homecoming for me. I am grateful to Anna and Petra for bringing this knowledge forward to help us all remember our heritage in this beautiful city of light in which we are accompanied by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. Yeshua offers us healing of all that no longer serves us and is ready to be let go. I felt a deep healing of past wounds in the safety of this space. I will listen to these recordings many more times.
Melanie O.
Any meditations I do with Anna and Petra go to your core, they are activations from Source, such depth, beauty and healing in them I am so grateful thank you both so very much love Melanie xxx
Sergej M.
It helped me a lot in healing my personal wounds.
Virginia N.
Thank you so very much for this meditation. As with others of your meditations it has taken me to a very deep and peaceful place in which the Divine beings who have come in for us all have helped me to clear some extremely deeply held patterns…this morning I was able to release more tears going back a very long way related to my mother as I practiced it for the second time. So much is clearing with these wondrous energies and meditations!
Ada L.
Feeling this growing in my core ❤️. Thank you so very much Anna & Petra for making these pivotal gatherings full of loving change ❤️. Much love from Norway
Gay Lynn C.
You ladies are my peaceful rest when I am in need. I relate very much to your meditations and sometimes use them later to help me sleep.
Nur M.
Namaste, Petra and Anna. You ladies have been such a game changer.
Silvie Le M.
Thank you, the meditation this morning was exquisite, the facilitation too. Thank you beyond words.
Rachael L.
Mahalo Nui for this ❤️. Just wonderful we can connect from all over the globe. You two are the wise mother energy embodied!
Susanne R.
Thank you so much Anna and Petra for your great pearls of knowledge and wisdom. So gratefull
Susan N.
As Petra and Anna share – it’s like my body begins to vibrate at a deep level. It is my truth metre.
Jasperina P.
Thank you for this amazing guiding. I feel reborn en powerfull.
Jamie S.
I am very grateful to Anna and Petra (and their team) for organising and guiding us through the Great Regenesis. I have learned so many new things and have benefitted greatly from the guided meditations, which have brought me closer to Mary and Jeshua as well as others. I hope to purchase the recordings and perhaps join your school. Love and blessings to you!
Virginia N.
I really loved your meditations and commentary on the occasions when you went “live” during the advent period. Your meditations have taken me on quite a journey , which I am sure is continuing. The azure soul crystal , altar and flame have made a great impression on me in all sorts of ways , as has your “Elder”, “Traveller”, who appears to me from time to time to work on me…! It has been a beautiful and very moving experience, with revelations, “aha” moments , tears and joy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I look forward to a continuing journey with you. With much love and gratitude
Anna L.
Dear Petra & Anna – and all co-workers behind the scene- I thank you so much for the Journey we made Together. I send you my deep gratitude for your work in the Field you facilitate and that is growing so fast! Thank you… Thank you… Thank you! Blessings, lots of love and very good wishes for the future we create with each other!
Dawn G.
Meditating with the divine feminine ascended masters. The Heaven on Earth Prayer collective with Kaia Ra was powerful on the eve of this full moon. Emotions are high, be gentle, practice karuna compassion for yourself and others. I am so grateful for Petra and Anna this school and it’s free offerings has truly changed the trajectory of my life in such a soft, gentle loving way. Thank you Anna. Thank you Petra, my life is so much richer on this path.
Virginia N.
I just love the gentleness, peace and relaxation offered by Anna and Petra’s beautiful voices and meditations and really resonate with their work. I have experienced many miracles following their meditations … the latest was yesterday when I took my first photo of an orb. The orb I photographed contained the blue green crystal colour I had been visualising! When I described the blue green stone last week to a Reiki client, my client said my eyes turned the colour of the stone as I was describing it !Something shifts and another gift flows in each time I practice one of your meditations…! It is such beautiful work, thank you again so very much!
Rosa M.
Thank you to Petra and Anna and all for their beauty and dedication to this group. Through the period of almost 2 months of which I have been connected a big transformation has taken place on all levels.
Physically my body feels so clean, light and bright with more energy and focus. Even though I am going through a difficult time with very little money I have still been able to maintain a bright positive outlook on life and have managed to avoid worry. Emotionally I feel a degree of love and joy most days. My spiritual practice has become more structured and is now done on a daily basis.
My favourite meditations are Goddess Gaia and the first meditation on the Athanor. The athanor has definitely been very hard at work and has transformed so much within. Done this one about 15 times
I noticed when I visited a friend a few days ago and watched a film called “the Shack” which is about forgiveness and connecting with God that there were no tears. It was a very emotional film but it seems my body has healed so much that no tears arose.
Presently, experimenting with prayer and have also brought this into my daily practice. Thank you to all the members in this group. I have felt loved supported and cared for and I dream that one day I will be able to visit your school in France.
Sending you all lots of love
Kristl De B.
Thank you from my heart for your beautiful powerful retreat. It (you and all the people) helped meso much to go out of my fears, to really leave a big part of my big bag what I dont need to carry anymore. And replaced it with love and light. And see and touch the love and light inside of me andaround me. I met lot of beautiful beings including me.I was in half of the retreat little affraid what will I do after the retreat (lonely again) but I feel stillconnected. Connected with myself and connected with universe and connected with you and all thepeople from group working with light.🙏
This last part you can use as my feedback if you correct it in right english😊🙏
Thank you
Hope to meet you soon again
Judith B.
In the 7 days retreat Petra & Anna took me on a journey into the earth, the tiny space of the heart,other dimensions thatI did not know that they existed.Through meditaition it was every day at 8:00 AM en PM a ritual to come together with other peoplewho think likewise & go through the same process of happy awakening. Just to make the world abetter place.The meeting with Jeshua, Mary Magdalene in the cirkel of light, mother Mary en grandmother Annawas really amazing, like I was coming home! The warmth, love, light & connection deeply touched mysoul. We are One!So full of love and compassion Petra & Anna led us through our own process, with their outstandingknowledge and connection to the world of love & the heart!
Anne W.
Dear Petra & Anna,
Your retreat came just at the right time for me as I had been really ill for 3 weeks. I learned patience & to truly listen to the wisdom of my body. Through the meditations & work book tasks I was able to reconnect fully with Jesus Mary Magdalene The Angelic realm my guides & Accended Masters. And my heart❤️❤️✨✨✨✨
Heart felt thanks to you both Much love & Many blessings.
May the Angels light your path always.
I feel Petra and Anna are born heart leaders, here to guide us back to love. Not the type oflove we feel for an object, situation or person, but the love that pours from the eternal well,our true essence. Assisted by the loveliest beings of this andthe other realms, they haveshowed during a 7-day online retreat that this love is in me, and even better, it IS me! I amthe One I have been waiting for! How empowering is that! In the safe space they create,they encourage us to have a look at the partsthat are not yet so sure of this. They inviteboth light and dark to come forward and be held in the field of Love that you yourself are. Ifeel I regained my authority and authenticity, and it feels amazing. Thank you Petra, thankyou Anna, and thank allof you who did, or will, participate in this beautiful community.
Simon D.
During the Hearts Leader 7 Days Retreat I got introduced to inner workings I had not exploredbefore. Because of Petra’s and Anna’s work, I received access to an easily accessible place in my bodywhere I will always find love. They provided me with the questions to find by my own insight how Ican easily identify whether or not I am connected to this place and how to shift into it. This desirehas been on my wishlist for a long time, and it makes the difference between co-dependent andinterdependent relationships. Thanks to their work I now also have a sense of how I can build moreand more energetic autonomy, meaningI have no need to be negatively entangled with other lifeanymore. They have also shown me how I can grow even further. For me what I have learned is fornow enough. Who knows when I’ll be ready for deeper journeys. I am deeply grateful.
And I bow for you dear Petra and Anna!
This gathering was so profound and of a depth I could not have imagined before this Journey started.Thank you, thank you, thank you from the core of my heart for followingyour Call to create thisgathering..Thank you both for your guidance, for your wisdom, for the safe containment but above all for thepurity of you both.Purity is very important for me personally.I would be very gratefull to participate when you both are called to initiate other gatherings in theSpirit of Source.
Lots of love
The programma is over or is it only starting? I feel like being rewired, reconnected. The content in the beginning seemed less dense than the other programmes, but what came through demanded such an important time to integrate that it didn’t feel so towards the end. The book Orion Recall helps me a lot and also the input i get through Gaia tv, that i found by looking for Freddy Silva’s documentary. Through this canal i experience some synchronisities about what i need to tap in, sometimesy related to my tf journey. I have the sensation that i am constantly in relation with the divine, what makes the 3d life a bit hard to handle. Grounding is key and at the same time, i don’t want to lose this new connection with the other realms because there is still a lot to be uncovered, that’s how it feels. The only thing that could have been better would have been to create a safe environment on fb or even better through another platform to share with the participants of the programme. A TF relation is so sacred and most of the time secret that it is sometimes scary to send it into nature not knowing who will find it. Thank you for embodying your mission and helping us to do so at the same time. Namaste.
Sietske H.
“Thank you so much Petra and Anna en all the ones who were working together with this field of consciousness. Thank you for your dedication and your unconditional love.
Thank you for making space in your life’s and yourself , so you could listen and follow this beautiful call. Since April 2020 i felt the longing of being connected heart to heart with others.
Here i start the journey with the Mary Magdalene’s Re-membership group. Every time i feel grateful for the connection with my soul group, i feel grace from my soul to be part of this grand journey. As a human i feel the help from my higher self and my guides, the guidance and teachings from Anna and Petra are helping me for making a lot of clarity . A lot of times the pieces of the puzzle are falling together. I have felt already a few years a strong connection with Orion and Sirius. The experience i have during my meditations is hard to put in words. I feel a lot, but do not see that much. My work is from the surrendering and feeling the connection, and giving it over to my higher self.
I feel my higher self and the channel clearly and i am getting feedback from our work.”
Barbara G.
“I am not a twin flame, but was immediately attracted to the workshop based on a gut’s feeling. Now I remember that the orion star constellation was always my favorite one in the skies when I was a child. We called it the Big Hunter. The recommended book “Orion recall” stirred up new memories inside of me and I couldn’t stop reading. Some parts of the story touched me to tears. Even so I cannot remember details with my mind, I feel that it is an important mission and I am very glad that I joint the workshop. The offered meditations also affect my inner world and I will take the time to repeat them frequently to get deeper into the state of remenberance. Thank you Anna and Petra for this profound program.”
Linda M.
This group has been like a great spiritual adventure for the past two years for me. What you have opened my mind to is almost incomprehensible. Thank you for what you are doing for the world. I am …
Virginia N.
The Re-membership group is my treat to myself – membership of a community which is committed to Unity Consciousness, which meets the standards I resonate with. I love the philosophy and teachings which…
The Re-membership group is my treat to myself – membership of a community which is committed to Unity Consciousness, which meets the standards I resonate with. I love the philosophy and teachings which Anna and Petra share and embody, the high vibration of the transmissions, which take us more deeply into ourselves with Divine help, the energetic and astrological updates, the sharing by other group members and the healing circles. I receive a great deal of support and encouragement through this community and feel very good about everything that it stands for. I enjoy working with the transmissions and practising the teachings and self-enquiry shared- they are really helpful as an ongoing practice. I also like the freedom to be as involved or talkative as I am called to be in the moment – without pressure to compete or perform. My Christmas presents this year include books which have been recommended by Group members and I have also enjoyed many of their other reading suggestions over the last couple of years.
Virginia N.
Mayuri Marie O.
I recently joined the Re-Membership group. Finding (being led to?) this group is like waking up from a very very long slumber and I am thrilled… The most recent Advent meditation and Sophia Healing ci…
I recently joined the Re-Membership group. Finding (being led to?) this group is like waking up from a very very long slumber and I am thrilled… The most recent Advent meditation and Sophia Healing circle made me aware of the fact that I am an Andromedan Starseed. The experience has tied together so many life experiences that up until this point had felt unconnected and disjointed, but have fallen into place and are becoming a cohesive whole.
…I am so filled with gratitude for this group, Anna and Petra, and my remembering.
Mayuri Marie O.
Mirjam Saray R.
My joining the Remembership community was very natural and intuitive. This year gifted me through the Love and acceptance of you as a spiritual family, with such deep healing processes that no words c…
My joining the Remembership community was very natural and intuitive. This year gifted me through the Love and acceptance of you as a spiritual family, with such deep healing processes that no words can express.
Looking at the road I have been walking, is surprising to me – because I do not see myself anymore walking the path of Love and challenges – alone. There is a whole community on the same road, (with me). This Journey with YOU is a Journey of the Present, of unconditional LOVE. It’s a Journey of Space to learn and to grow, to open the eyes in a gentle way, to see when we are ready to see, to speak when we feel called to speak. My heart learns how to open much wider after each contraction, My Mind learns to expand beyond the limitations of my old way of thinking.
Deep gratitude to Petra and Anna for so much love and space that YOU offer us, to express, to share, to learn and to grow, to heal and to thrive. Bless YOU!
In so much Love, heart connection, deep Gratitude and Joy
Thank you
Bless you
Mirjam Saray R.
Elisabeth W.
I have been blessed to be a member of Mary Magdalene’s School community for the past year. I first met Anna and Petra when I interviewed them for an on-line summit I was hosting. I was drawn to their …
I have been blessed to be a member of Mary Magdalene’s School community for the past year. I first met Anna and Petra when I interviewed them for an on-line summit I was hosting. I was drawn to their pure hearts and the beautiful way they interacted and channeled the higher realms. So, I joined the community to learn more. In the past year, I have read their book, Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage, participated in numerous programs and meditations, and joined the Re-membership Community. I also had the opportunity to attend a powerful retreat in Vezelay, France. Although many of their teachings resonate, there are times when I feel as if the transmissions are too high level for me and that I’m not retaining much. However, as I reflect on my life now and the significant transformation and growth I have experienced in the past year through this Mystery School, I realize that the messages are absolutely landing in the depth of my heart. So much so that for the first time in a very long time I have clarity about my path forward. I am being called by Divine Mother and Mary Magdalene to go even deeper into my spiritual journey of remembering and then to share what I am learning as a spiritual guide for others. Additionally, I am so excited to participate in the Co-Creation of New Earth with other lightworkers who are aware that we incarnated for just this purpose and just this time. And we are meant to do this in community. What a joy it has been to reconnect with Soul Family through Mary Magdalene’s School.
Elisabeth W.
Gre de G.
I am immensely grateful to you for the road I have been able to travel supported by you. You have opened up a world for me that I did not know in this way. A world that is universal, the earth, the co…
I am immensely grateful to you for the road I have been able to travel supported by you. You have opened up a world for me that I did not know in this way. A world that is universal, the earth, the cosmos, the planets everything participates. The peace, the silence, the love visible there is changing my life to this day. In recent years I have made the transition from feeling alone on this path, to feeling together and connected, to feeling included in a global group of Lightworkers. I have seen it happen in my life from a toe, to a foot, to 1 leg and now I stand with two legs in it. It has become a kind of new foundation from which I look at life. To be able to experience that while being 78 years old. And the knowledge that this will continue until my last breath, yes that is indescribably beautiful. I have never been afraid of death, but now it is the other way around….
Not to mention all that we get to contribute to during soul journeys. I find that completely incredible. Sometimes we open a temple, then we connect our womb with the cosmic womb, then a source is re-touched, then the twin flame is lived into unity, then we get to expand our personal wisdom in the library of Orion and so on. I have too few Dutch words for it because everything is in English. But that I am part of this and may participate in it. This I do, this I can do, this happens from my couch, behind my i-Pad. That I am allowed to do this, yes, I can only cry with joy. I am an intensely happy person with a meaningful daily life. This naturally affects my life. I have only lovely people around me. And it goes into every decision I make and sometimes have to make.
We are building a new future together and I am part of it. Thank you for all the love and dedication.
This has changed over the past few years: ‘and I belong’.
Connected in love
Gre de G.
Tarja S.
I found my way to this Mary Magdalene School and it felt like coming home!
Anna and Petra, you are amazing!!! Thank you so much for doing what you do, and I’m so happy to have found my way to you and t…
Phil J.
I feel more relief after listening to you both. I also wish to appreciate the deep sense of integrity and courage you both demonstrate in your authenticity, it is beyond angelic!
Susan N.
Thank you so much!! This was such a Divine gathering. The conversations and the sharing resonated so deeply with me – and the words are becoming harder to find to describe this journey. The meditation …
Thank you so much!! This was such a Divine gathering. The conversations and the sharing resonated so deeply with me – and the words are becoming harder to find to describe this journey. The meditation was extremely powerful too and I have such gratitude for having found this site and for these experiences.
Susan N.
Chellis V.
Some years later, I received an invitation to join a global meditation of the Mary Magdalene School, and I decided to accept. That was the best decision I’ve made in my life. In our school, I learned …
Some years later, I received an invitation to join a global meditation of the Mary Magdalene School, and I decided to accept. That was the best decision I’ve made in my life. In our school, I learned more about Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and I had the fortunate opportunity to meet Petra and Ana, a life-changing encounter.
Since then, my perception of myself, the Universe, and our humanity has taken on a deeper meaning with a level of understanding that never ceases to amaze me. I discovered my inner universe and have access to it, exploring it with like-minded souls. I learned the meaning of Oneness, how we are individuals and, at the same time, we are One. I recognize my Divine part and begin to remember what I had forgotten for lifetimes.
A wisdom I had forgotten has resurfaced, and here I learned the beautiful connection with Gaia. Being aware of her, her unconditional love for me, and my love for Gaia feels both new and ancient, filling me with joy each day and with every breath.
Mary Magdalene is always by my side; she never forgot me or gave up on me. It’s an ancient promise that I appreciate and celebrate.
I could continue listing everything I’ve learned in the MMS, but none of this would have been possible if Ana and Petra had not decided to create this school of mysteries. Without their wisdom, great unconditional love, and above all, their will and determination to share everything they learned, seen, studied, and researched with all of us, I could not have grown as I have with their guidance.
Chellis V.
Virginia N.
The Re-membership group is my treat to myself- membership of a community which is committed to Unity Consciousness, which meets the standards I resonate with. I love the philosophy and teachings which…
The Re-membership group is my treat to myself- membership of a community which is committed to Unity Consciousness, which meets the standards I resonate with. I love the philosophy and teachings which Anna and Petra share and embody, the high vibration of the transmissions, which take us more deeply into ourselves with Divine help, the energetic and astrological updates, the sharing by other group members and the healing circles. I receive a great deal of support and encouragement through this community and feel very good about everything that it stands for. I enjoy working with the transmissions and practising the teachings and self- enquiry shared- they are really helpful as an ongoing practice. I also like the freedom to be as involved or talkative as I am called to be in the moment- without pressure to compete or perform.
Virginia N.
Brigitte V.
Joining the MMS last September is the 1st step I took for myself in a long time and also the right and most beautiful step. Through the meditations, transmissions and meetings with all the experiences…
Joining the MMS last September is the 1st step I took for myself in a long time and also the right and most beautiful step. Through the meditations, transmissions and meetings with all the experiences of everyone, more and more pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, coming out of the drawers in my brain that have been locked for years and are now opening or ajar. I can and may plunge into the depths and process them where necessary.
At the same time the recognition and memory during the transmissions. With every transmission and meditation I can go deeper into that feeling and the vibration/energy is high in my body. I really like the regimen of the programmes. What I find confusing is managing the two worlds that are still rubbing against each other, the new world and the current world in which I live, work, etc. It seems like a switch is being flicked all the time. For me, that is a point for deepening and a learning moment.
The feeling of being part of our loving group and contributing to the big picture does me good.
Brigitte V.
Virginia N.
It is hard to know where to start in saying thank you for all the wonderful transmissions and sharings from everyone in the School this year! I love our Online Gatherings, the sense of connection, the…
It is hard to know where to start in saying thank you for all the wonderful transmissions and sharings from everyone in the School this year! I love our Online Gatherings, the sense of connection, the sharing, the synchronicities, the magic and mystery, the astrological updates, the gentleness yet power of Anna and Petra’s transmissions, the Healing Circles, the Programmes…everything about the School!
Virginia N.
Wendy T.
I find it fascinating and comforting to finally hear truths that resonate to me. Thank you Anna and Petra for all that you are doing to bring our soul family together in such a great work!
Michelle K.
Thank you for tonights WonderFull webinar. l always have such peaceful, gentle, supportive dreams after meditating with you!
Michelle K.
“Being part of this WonderFull work Delights me on a Soul level, it opens and melts my heart and I’m shown the Perfection of my walking this path with these people at this time.
It’s so Deliciously eng…
“Being part of this WonderFull work Delights me on a Soul level, it opens and melts my heart and I’m shown the Perfection of my walking this path with these people at this time.
It’s so Deliciously engaging and such a Joy and Delight beyond my wildest imaginings.
This work So Deliciously nourishing for my Soul.
Such an expansion of my light, my Soul, my purpose here.
I feel so Aligned and supported here.
Feeling the Amazing potentials we’re BEing offered here for ourselves and HUmanity.
Blessed Be We all.
Thank you for these Soul aligned opportUNITIES.”
Michelle K.
Henk K.
Dear All Re-Membership Ones,
I want to share some of the harvest. Still difficult to find words for it. I am processing in relatively silence all the work Vera and I were called for to do in Vézelay …
Dear All Re-Membership Ones,
I want to share some of the harvest. Still difficult to find words for it. I am processing in relatively silence all the work Vera and I were called for to do in Vézelay last month.
It is about Healing of the wounded femininity and of the wounded masculinity as in personal as well inter-personally as trans-personally.
And the silence in which I am is relatively in my world as I meet exactly the same processes in my daily work with and for the patients and their families. And exactly how it is in the teams with which we co-create together. Not only the teams of my occupation.
In every moment I am
As a result I am working about 20/24 hours these months.
And I feel so blessed to may do this.
Finally, after all these centuries (aeons?) of being suppressed, violated, ignored. And of suppressing, ignoring and violating as well.
Finally strongly connected with my Higher Self. and supported and carried by so much Helpers and Angels and other Beings of different Realms.
To end this message: when I started to write this message I had no idea wat was to be written.
I feel blessed.
By the initiators our dearest MM, our beloved Yeshua, all angelic realms, our beloved Petra and Anna, beloved all of you.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou
Henk K.
Sophia Christ Healing Circle
Mayuri Marie O.
The most recent Advent meditation and Sophia Healing circle made me aware of the fact that I am an Andromedan Starseed. The experience has tied together so many life experiences that up until this poi…
The most recent Advent meditation and Sophia Healing circle made me aware of the fact that I am an Andromedan Starseed. The experience has tied together so many life experiences that up until this point had felt unconnected and disjointed, but have fallen into place and are becoming a cohesive whole.
Mayuri Marie O.
Kotte M.
First of all, thank you so much for all these wonderful Healing Circles! They are a priority for me. No doubt! And I can always sense that there is healing going on, on so many levels…
This time it wa…
First of all, thank you so much for all these wonderful Healing Circles! They are a priority for me. No doubt! And I can always sense that there is healing going on, on so many levels…
This time it was more obvious.
It actually started one week before the Circle. The 29th of December it had been snowing all day and the stone stairs in the entrance were wet and slippery…. I slipped and I fell all the way down the stairs with my left leg and foot under the weight of my body. Everything just happened so quickly. I could feel the shock as a stress in my whole system. I prayed for instant healing.
Some hours later I couldn’t stand on the feet, I needed crutches and a neighbour helped me to fetch the ones I have in the attic.
I had texted my osteopath for advice and decided to wait until the next morning and then figure out what to do next.
I prayed for healing, invited all the light beings I know and visualized the Temple of the One Heart and the Healing Field.
It was hard to sleep because of the ache, but in the early morning I got some hours of very deep sleep. When I woke up it seemed to be much better, and yes, now it was possible to stand on my feet again and I could move around in my apartment without the crutches. It was an incredible improvement!
My osteopath wanted to see me and he was indeed surprised and satisfied by the rapid improvement. He was also surprised that there was nearly no stress left in my body. He had expected something else… I was lucky that nothing was broken and we talked about angelic guardianship. And I knew that I also received a lot of healing that morning. Relieved and grateful I returned home! The healing has continued and I could feel very, very clearly that someone was working with my big toe joint and the area around it, during the Sophia Christ Healing Circle last Thursday. And I think I will manage to walk without crutches even outdoors very soon.
This Healing Circle also brought healing to the separation from my first big love. I wasn’t aware that there was more healing needed, but thanks to the field and the transmission I reached new, deeper layers that now could come to the surface.
Kotte M.
Susanne H.
Tears ran down my cheeks when Remembering so much of the inner radiating Masculine part of me and all of the healing powers we are able to use for the benefit of us all and Mother Earth. It was a prof…
Tera H.
The healing circle was so profound. I held two tachyon rods in my hands and I have no words to describe how powerful it was.
Mayuri O.
I had my healing circle last week lead by Bermath van der Kevie and it was extraordinary. And not at all
what I had envisioned.
I haven’t posted before now because there was so much to integrate and I…
I had my healing circle last week lead by Bermath van der Kevie and it was extraordinary. And not at all
what I had envisioned.
I haven’t posted before now because there was so much to integrate and I wanted to be clearer. But the truth is, the more I have sat with myself the vastness of what the healing circle opened is only beginning to reveal itself.
I had thought I was going to address healing a life-long illness and reinstating my original soul blueprint so I could more clearly and without hindrance focus on my Starseed missions.
I did not realize my healing IS a Starseed mission. And more.
And I was thrown the most amazing curve ball. Actually Bermath was……the morning of the healing circle. I had no idea that I had a soul attachment that was a twin sister who died before me when we were in horrendous circumstances some lifetimes ago. I knew about the lifetime, but not that she was still with me. And while I was writing a message response to Bermath about how I was doing just before the healing, one I didn’t write got sent instead and it was very clear that the healing circle was not welcome. And amazingly that’s how I discovered my sister.
So the healing circle became a lot about the release of my sister back onto her own evolutionary path.
Many who attended “saw” her as she moved to the edge of the circle to allow me to have my own healing and the beauty was she felt held and loved by everyone as she recognized it was time to return to her own path and that she could no longer accompany me on my evolutionary journey.
And subsequently Susan Laura offered to guide me through two protocols. One was “Breaking Emotional Ties” and the other was called the “DNA Quantum Re-Configuration Protocol”, for help with my parasite issues, both of which were amazingly powerful. It’s her work and if you are so moved, I believe you would find it as invaluable as I did.
Half my life ago my family hired a deprogrammer to stop me from my spiritual path. His first words to me were “I have your family and you have Osho, which is it going to be” and I said “I am going to have both and you are going out” and I prevailed. A huge lesson in regaining sovereignty. But afterwards at a sunrise I had a moment of looking down and saw a huge gash in the earth with many cords that had been severed and all I knew was that I existed.
I am feeling something similar right now. I see this healing has opened a whole new soul evolutionary movement and all I know is that I don’t see everything as love.
And the gratitude I feel for Anna and Petra and the healing circle and for the Mary Magdalene School is just as immense.
Much love
Mayuri O.
Susan A.
I didn’t have time to comment on today’s meditation but I wanted to thank you so much for your beautiful healing meditation.
Your sacred work means all the world to me. Thank you from the bottom of m…
Marianne B.
Thank you for the beautiful healing yesterday. It was a very strong healing circle with a lot of love.
I saw a beautiful light: orange with playing and laughing children in it. Such a joy and fun. Won…
Thank you for the beautiful healing yesterday. It was a very strong healing circle with a lot of love.
I saw a beautiful light: orange with playing and laughing children in it. Such a joy and fun. Wonderful.
After the healing I kept feeling my heart. So big, also with a lot of love.
I will be there too on 7th December. For sure
Marianne B.
Susan L.
The energy felt so dense beforehand that I had difficulty breathing, like when having an asthma attack as a child. I could not stay awake during the second half of the healing, but my lungs were fully…
Kotte M.
Thank you Anna & Petra for everything!!! What a field! What a transformation! What profound work! It’s like before and after this moment in time! The shift is palpable! I felt an incredible presence dur…
Thank you Anna & Petra for everything!!! What a field! What a transformation! What profound work! It’s like before and after this moment in time! The shift is palpable! I felt an incredible presence during the healing, in every part of it, and it all ended up in pure clarity, a focused stillness, where everything was lighter! I noticed that I was filled with a very soft and gentle inner joy that was emanating from deep within.
Kotte M.
Zsófia L.
Thank you so much for providing the opportunity to take part in this miracle process through the Healing Circle. It was really special, strong and liberating! For me, especially the part that was abou…
Thank you so much for providing the opportunity to take part in this miracle process through the Healing Circle. It was really special, strong and liberating! For me, especially the part that was about the healing of the second chakra and ancestors. I felt a huge relief also in the morning!
Zsófia L.
AnneMarie M.
THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING HEALING!! So deep and such an incredible space of healing energy. I’ve never felt anything like that. Thank you so much.
Online courses
Jefferin S.
Namaste & Greetings of Goodwill to you all the way from Pune (pronounced Poona), India!
As I express Gratitude for holding my hands through this Journey, I write from a space of Being Honored & Humbled…
Namaste & Greetings of Goodwill to you all the way from Pune (pronounced Poona), India!
As I express Gratitude for holding my hands through this Journey, I write from a space of Being Honored & Humbled at Being Chosen by our Great Mother, to study this course with you.
A few months ago as soon as this course was announced in the MM Remembership Community, the human side of me thought, “I must, I must enroll in this online course & get my teeth into what it’s all about or I’ll miss out”.
When I went onto the website to make the purchase, I felt hesitant because I could hear my Inner Voice telling me in a low whisper, “You are not ready, your time will come, Be Patient”
So I waited…..I felt confident I would hear that whisper again, when I was ready. After several months,I heard the whisper in full gusto telling me that I was ready to sign up for the course & I did. It’s a little over a month now & I feel joyful & content to tell you that I’ve been through this course in its entirety, the first time.
Since, I Am the One I Am Waiting For, I’ve decided to make this Course my Blueprint – to re-program its Tools & Techniques & Exercises to take me into the higher realms of awakening & enlightenment.
As soon as I started with Module 1, I heard this word “Declutter” in my mind. I’ve started to declutter at all levels thereby opening up new avenues in greater Self-Awareness & Evolvement.
In hindsight, am glad I started this course after getting the go-ahead from my inner voice because I had far too much on my plate than I could handle & this precious program would have fallen by the wayside. Today, because am ready for it, am able to value its Power & Potential in my life.
My plan of Action is to do the Course every month for the 2 years I have access to it with all the Meditations twice a day as I meditate twice a day even before it. Every night I set the intention to visit the Jade Temple of Truth & Healing in my Etheric Body to meet with Master Hilarion & all the Healing Assistants waiting for me.
Am becoming more aligned with living my daily life from the Sacred Space of the Heart & peeling several layers of unwanted energies enveloped around me that have become irrelevant.
Best of all I feel lighter and free because the course has helped me to filter out activities & pursuits that are not for my Highest Good. I am still a work in progress though and………
I have miles to go before I sleep…….. Yes, miles to go before I sleep
With Gratitude & a Bow of my head
Jefferin S.
Vera H.
A few weeks ago I started with this course. In the Great Passage and the Coronation group I sometimes had the feeling I couldn’t catch up with the high speed all the information came in, that I needed…
A few weeks ago I started with this course. In the Great Passage and the Coronation group I sometimes had the feeling I couldn’t catch up with the high speed all the information came in, that I needed more explanation about certain themes. In this course, Petra and Anna offer me a way to go inside step by step and explore themes like the violet ray, the pineal gland, the connection with the whales etc. It is helping me enormously to get in touch with all the layers in me and in the outer world. You can follow it in your own pace. I am feeling so grateful they made this course and that I gave myself this present.
Vera H.
Maartje G.
I just reviewed the zoom meeting of the you are the one… online course.
Thank you very much for the funny and uplifting way of expressing yourselves!
The way you both speak and interact with each other…
I just reviewed the zoom meeting of the you are the one… online course.
Thank you very much for the funny and uplifting way of expressing yourselves!
The way you both speak and interact with each other is very energizing.
It looks like you are twins!
It was very comforting to hear the experiences of the other participants.
Hearing yours and their stories does help my personal process.
Indeed you are way-showers!
I have had deep experiences through the meditations in the remembership group and the school. I never had this kind of deep knowing before.
With each meditation It is always a surprise what is going to happen and how it is affecting my daily life.
What i have learned is to go with the flow and expect nothing, no attachment.
And that it is oke to be detached for a while because of circumstances.
I very much am looking forward to all the experiences and changes in the future.
Thank you very much for all your work!
Maartje G.
Rafael M.
“I am so grateful I have found these sacred teachings for inner transformation – that I had always hoped had existed, but didn’t have a way to find or access. I’m only partway through the course and alre…
“I am so grateful I have found these sacred teachings for inner transformation – that I had always hoped had existed, but didn’t have a way to find or access. I’m only partway through the course and already I am beginning to feel and see a shift already in how I think, how I feel, and how I experience and respond to reality… As more dimensions become available to me through these sacred teachings and my Inner Alchemy and growth – I can experience new levels of energy, consciousness, and reality that I wasn’t sure were possible for me. I can now see with more clarity the path to my True Essence…thank you Anna and Petra for making this course possible and available to all…”
Rafael M.
Lizanne L.
Our Assemblee at Cyprus brought me one of the most unforgettable experiences I ever had. To gather in remembrance with souls that are walking the Way – on an island with a history – and the Holy family …
Our Assemblee at Cyprus brought me one of the most unforgettable experiences I ever had. To gather in remembrance with souls that are walking the Way – on an island with a history – and the Holy family and many other star beings being present and opening even more – helped me to step in my spiritual responsibility to do my part in building the New Earth. Thanks to everyone, especially the EES center, Anna and Petra, Philip and Noreen and the staff of our hotel for making this possible. A big recommendation to join a live gathering when you have the chance to do it!
Lizanne L.
Nicolette D.
This retreat was life-changing! My big thanks to you, Petra and Anna!
There was such a great field of love that we were part of and that we created together, which also felt old and so familiar at the…
This retreat was life-changing! My big thanks to you, Petra and Anna!
There was such a great field of love that we were part of and that we created together, which also felt old and so familiar at the same time. For me this was a true Coming Home in deep connection with everyone else, something I have never experienced like this and what I have unconsciously been looking for on a soul level.
So many veils have been removed one by one, giving me sight of what was standing in the way of me Being Peace. More than ever I feel, that I am part of the Mary Magdalene School and that I have a spiritual responsibility to participate in the New Earth. For this is why I came to Earth this time!
Nicolette D.
Dayle O.
How does one describe a sense of place in relation to m a g i c ? Reflecting upon our journey to the ancient land of Cyprus, connecting sacred geometry and ley-lines, feeling the feminine energy of Ma…
How does one describe a sense of place in relation to m a g i c ? Reflecting upon our journey to the ancient land of Cyprus, connecting sacred geometry and ley-lines, feeling the feminine energy of Mary Magdalene and with those whom she traveled, I am reminded of proximity and thresholds. Spiritual journalist Krista Tippett describes thresholds as lines we traverse to land someplace new, to breathe in and explore. She asks, “How do we cross them worthily?” Only with Petra and Anna and Philip and our dear guide Serhan, could I begin to breathe into the possibility of a New Earth based on the ancient histories from where our ancestors roamed and taught on the very land we crossed into, this sacred threshold. It was all of them that gave us grace to cross worthily. The people in our group who assembled together on this magical island are truly transcendent spirits, roaming in realms I can only hope to visit one day, yet, as an ensemble, we crossed this threshold worthily and in proximity, and deeply, not only with each other, but within the historical context of energies swirling about and inviting us every day to explore, ‘go just a little further where inquiries will be revealed, purposes will be known, possibilities will be shown, and potentials will be remembered. We are still processing what we experienced after crossing this new threshold, sharing now a spiritual responsibility for growing a New Earth together in assembly, with the Divine Feminine and Mariam of Magdala. Deepest gratitude to the Mary Magdalene School for proximity, and thresholds, and m a g i c. J’ai dit oui ! I said yes!
Dayle O.
I went to Vézelay France and then on to Cyprus this October and everything from French hospitality and then the warm welcome of Anna and Petra to the Hotel Villas in northern Cyprus was beyond my expe…
I went to Vézelay France and then on to Cyprus this October and everything from French hospitality and then the warm welcome of Anna and Petra to the Hotel Villas in northern Cyprus was beyond my expectations! The meditations and sacred sites were extraordinary, the peace in Vèzelay and beauty of the eastern Mediterranean sea filled my heart with wonder, I left very tired and very peaceful from all the downloads and upgrades. The people, the food, and the wisdom held by these two woman is truly sacred and holy. Anna and Petra are so intuitive and challenge you to open to what is needed at the time, to be seen, held by the group, and sometimes transcended when we are ready. I highly recommend the MM School retreats, meditations and curriculum. It will take you to a whole new level in life that takes time to integrate. I left, feeling like I left part of my true soul family, sisters, mothers, brothers.
In gratitude, with love Maitreya
Susan N.
It was probably the most profound week of my life – listening to people speak things that have been alive within me but not understanding ….. and then being witness to and experiencing the inner worlds…
Linda E.
Amplifying in every way! I have experienced the EES system in Nijmegen The Netherlands for two hours. My neck and shoulder pain was gone. I can not put into words how the EES system in Cyprus accelera…
Amplifying in every way! I have experienced the EES system in Nijmegen The Netherlands for two hours. My neck and shoulder pain was gone. I can not put into words how the EES system in Cyprus accelerated my process being in there every day for 4 hours! Lucky me. Amazing!!! I feel very fortunate that I was a part of this outstanding retreat.
Linda E.
I can affirm that integration was a lot smoother this time and I felt energized traveling back home. My neck pain and headaches have noticeably diminished.
Although I unfortunately couldn’t attend this retreat, I am an eye-witness of a few members that returned from the retreat in Cyprus. All four of them looked younger in years, have a beautiful light in…
Although I unfortunately couldn’t attend this retreat, I am an eye-witness of a few members that returned from the retreat in Cyprus. All four of them looked younger in years, have a beautiful light in their eyes and a glow around them!! And also their hearts felt even more softened and open.
Virginie van de L.
Eternally Grateful for the beautiful field we created together and the journey continues.
SuurMaj Z.
It was an outstanding and profound experience in building together a heartfelt energy changing … everybody and the world because we changed, and the ripple effect is still going on. Personally I exper…
It was an outstanding and profound experience in building together a heartfelt energy changing … everybody and the world because we changed, and the ripple effect is still going on. Personally I experienced breakthroughs I had never thought would happen. Grateful, without words, to many here and everywhere, seen and unseen…. My body changed not only because of the EES, also because of the work guided by Anna & Petra. My feet are softer, I walk up the hill easier than before, today i had an appointment with the foot reflexologist and she was “stupéfait”. What happened with your eyes? So much light. Wow. A local artist said last week the same. And feeling and touching my feet she said – you found something back on Cyprus. I really can feel so much love in you and a strong connection in you with heaven and earth. Thx to all who in one or the other way contribute to this miraculous retreat and after retreat. And there is much more to tell.
SuurMaj Z.
I’m experiencing an immense, intense blessed time in a continuous deep inner peace and connection with Divine Oneness… changes on all levels of my being since/thanks to our work in/on Cyprus. Forever gr…
I’m experiencing an immense, intense blessed time in a continuous deep inner peace and connection with Divine Oneness… changes on all levels of my being since/thanks to our work in/on Cyprus. Forever grateful! … I feel so … grounded, changed, permanently connected to Divine Oneness and deep inner peace while my life seems to become one big rapid (stroomversnelling). My heart overflows with love in all my contacts, fear is gone… too much to describe. For ever grateful 😊
Angela C.
Such an amazing Heart filled retreat, with loving support & guidance from Petra & Anna. Fabulous meditations to really connect to self & higher power. Wonderful revelations & ways forward. Beautiful Sacre…
Such an amazing Heart filled retreat, with loving support & guidance from Petra & Anna. Fabulous meditations to really connect to self & higher power. Wonderful revelations & ways forward. Beautiful Sacred closeness to Soul Family. So much goodness & Love. I can’t thank you enough the most beautiful experience ever. I love you all.
Angela C.
Pascaline D.
I experienced the importance of teamwork, of my team assisting me in all I do, reminding me deeply that we are not alone. This resumes in one phrase everything i felt this week, reconnecting to the el…
I experienced the importance of teamwork, of my team assisting me in all I do, reminding me deeply that we are not alone. This resumes in one phrase everything i felt this week, reconnecting to the elementals, my galactic family, my Avalonian family, my guides, …. and my personal trinity, the crown with 3 peaks I’m wearing.
Pascaline D.
Mirjam Saray R.
What happened in Vezelay is a blend of – letting go, healing, grace, transforming, opening to unconditional love, and receiving Divine love, coming closer to the mystery, and discovering the beauty of…
What happened in Vezelay is a blend of – letting go, healing, grace, transforming, opening to unconditional love, and receiving Divine love, coming closer to the mystery, and discovering the beauty of the oneness. Through all of that returning to the pure essence that we are, following the inner guidance in sovereignty and in trust. The personal and collective healing in our field have been for me a great gift, and I let it touch me, move me- to more compassion and forgiveness- and freedom.
My Ancestors, the angelic Beings, and many other helpers around us made it possible to open the wheel of the peacock and watch some situations with 1000 eyes, what helped me very much to soften even more, to agree to empty more, and the sacred masculine in me finds peace. It seems to me that I have never been so intensely in peace for so long.
I feel more grounded, expanded, aligned, alive, inspired, ignited, encouraged, and empowered in a totally new way.
Mirjam Saray R.
Bermath van der K.
What a bliss it was indeed to spend time with the Essene soul family during the retreat. Re-membrance, healing, transformation, activations…and so much Love and Joy.
I received the connection with Tel…
What a bliss it was indeed to spend time with the Essene soul family during the retreat. Re-membrance, healing, transformation, activations…and so much Love and Joy.
I received the connection with Telos and Ki-e-a with me… Thank you dear Soul family for re-uniting, we did it, we have kept our promise and found each other again. To spread Light, Love and Unity.
Bermath van der K.
I have an addition on my review of yesterday:
– My backpain is gone
– I sleep better, deeper
– My sight is different I don’t know what that means yet
– And walking up the street to the Basilique I had more…
Pure magic! It felt like the EES system caused all individual and collective processes to heal more profound and to arise in an accelerated speed. And Anna and Petra sensed it perfectly if an individu…
Pure magic! It felt like the EES system caused all individual and collective processes to heal more profound and to arise in an accelerated speed. And Anna and Petra sensed it perfectly if an individual or collective blockage first had to be healed in order for us to be able to continue the collective peace work.
There was a perfect balance between ‘work’ and rest/ time for integration, between seriousness and laughter, and between collective work and opportunities for personal healing. A memorable week!!
Ana Maria R.
Next level experience on all levels! Healing, inspiration, fun, beauty, nature, (EES) technology, deep collective as well as individual work, living the heart based community experience, safe, super t…
Next level experience on all levels! Healing, inspiration, fun, beauty, nature, (EES) technology, deep collective as well as individual work, living the heart based community experience, safe, super taken care of, intense as well as light, beautiful structured and perfectly balanced program, … magical… lifechanging… as in from void/emptyness to fullness, permanent deep inner peace and connection with Divine Oneness, gone all fear, for ever grateful.
Ana Maria R.
I loved being together with likeminded people, the spiritual work we did together and separately. Being in the EES room was so peaceful for me. And the Gillham hotel is magnificent.
Eating together wi…
I loved being together with likeminded people, the spiritual work we did together and separately. Being in the EES room was so peaceful for me. And the Gillham hotel is magnificent.
Eating together with the whole group stimulates bonding.
The trips to sacred sites and the old energy on Cyprus warmed my heart.
Linda E.
My path of peace by Anna and Petra was a life changing adventure.
Hiking in the mountains, visiting sacred sites combined with live meditation, together with a wonderful guide, who shared his knowledg…
My path of peace by Anna and Petra was a life changing adventure.
Hiking in the mountains, visiting sacred sites combined with live meditation, together with a wonderful guide, who shared his knowledge and showed us the way was magical.
Gathering and co-creating through pure love within a warm, loving and safe environment, supported by the EES system every day accelerated the process.
The journey was complete with the unconditional love, compassion, wisdom and teachings shared by Petra and Anna, who are the embodiment of leading from the heart. Forever thankful for this unique experience!
Linda E.
Susan Laura van der L.
I’m still in deep wonder and awe after this shared community work and celebrating what I feel are core longings and rememberings of how to heal together and live in love.
Making a powerfull impact on o…
I’m still in deep wonder and awe after this shared community work and celebrating what I feel are core longings and rememberings of how to heal together and live in love.
Making a powerfull impact on our world and how we bring back heaven on earth.
Leaving old stories and living new realities, we most deeply desire.
I did not want to miss a single moment of this togetherness and felt no need to withdraw myself at any point. The shift in me is so profound and still unfolding.
A new reality is here to be lived, explored, beyond any previous boundaries.
I am so immensly grateful to be part of this community and to contribute in this deeply transformative retreat 🤍
Susan Laura van der L.
Wilma K.
On the beautiful island of Cyprus this – literally and figuratively – journey, brings you nothing but enrichment on your path, by the divine guidance of Petra and Anna. From the sacred space of the hear…
On the beautiful island of Cyprus this – literally and figuratively – journey, brings you nothing but enrichment on your path, by the divine guidance of Petra and Anna. From the sacred space of the heart, and from heart to heart, a profound process of healing individually and collectively takes place. Compassion, connection, co-creation and clarity are keywords!
Wilma K.
Tera M.
The Cyprus retreat was a beautiful and profound experience! The energy on the island is pristine. With Petra & Anna as our Divine Guides, together as a collective we processed, healed, remembered and c…
The Cyprus retreat was a beautiful and profound experience! The energy on the island is pristine. With Petra & Anna as our Divine Guides, together as a collective we processed, healed, remembered and co-created through pure LOVE. The integration of all we shared together feels layered and expansive. Deeply grateful to have experienced this MAGIC and am excited to return to continue our co-creation at a future retreat! All my love eternally.
Tera M.
Rafael M.
The Mary Magdalene School Retreat in Cyprus in May 2024 was the single most profound spiritual experience and rite of passage I have ever experienced. I am profoundly and deeply changed as a person an…
The Mary Magdalene School Retreat in Cyprus in May 2024 was the single most profound spiritual experience and rite of passage I have ever experienced. I am profoundly and deeply changed as a person and feel more soulfully Present and fundamentally clear and harmonious than any time in my life. Period.
The sacred Guidance and Leadership of Anna and Petra is Divine and of the utmost spiritual integrity. You are both so intensely loved by the group. the group spirit is high. What an amazing and powerful week. This was no “cakewalk” – it was serious work for those interested in serious growth and a deep commitment to Service, and the effort required for meaningful transformation for both themselves and for humanity. I have a new capacity for vision in my everyday life – and heightened clarity of vision and being – that I could not conceive of before the shared week together. I am forever changed, heightened, transformed, informed, excited, and grateful. That was amazing.
May your exhales be as vast as the Oceans you’ve animated.
From surface ripples spreading far and wide / to the currents running deep, your Sacred Service is profound – awakening a living Dream.
On Gaia, Divine Oneness co-creates through Pure Love. And as I continue to live as a manifestation of that truth, my life continues to transform as a reflection of within.
Love created me like itself. I am grateful for the week – for it helped emulsify the barriers that held me from living that truth with ease…
Rafael M.
I am in the magical energy we brought home from Vezelay. I do feel such a softness, ease and grace (and no chase). I lost all of my tension, just like the lightning cleared the sky, so the tension and…
I am in the magical energy we brought home from Vezelay. I do feel such a softness, ease and grace (and no chase). I lost all of my tension, just like the lightning cleared the sky, so the tension and blockages left my body. I feel free and happy, open for all that will be revealed. I am blessed and grateful!!!
It’s hard to describe in words what the week at the domain La Vieille Borde has brought me. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immedia…
It’s hard to describe in words what the week at the domain La Vieille Borde has brought me. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immediately connected to and with most of whom I’m still in contact with. The meditations Anna & Petra prepared for us were incredibly profound. And the domain that we stayed at is in a place where you can feel the energy of the spirits. But most of all, it felt like coming home to me. I’m eternally grateful that I followed my intuition to embark on this journey. It is still ongoing and I will definitely join again next time.
The last transmission was received in bright day light today. In July during the retreat, on the 17th, i got the message that i would receive a chrystal. It came to me this Friday, offered this Friday…
The last transmission was received in bright day light today. In July during the retreat, on the 17th, i got the message that i would receive a chrystal. It came to me this Friday, offered this Friday by a participant at my retreat about trinity. She bought it on the 18 th of July during a spiritual retreat she was also attending to help her depart from her twin sister that died in utero. It is a rose opal quartz, in an inverted pyramid form that would be linked to MM, Isis and Quan Yin. She felt it had to come to me. I wore it this morning during the melchizedek transmission. The three wales, the pyramids, the inverted triangles, all came together in divine timing. I start to realise what i hold inside me, i felt my cosmic twin flame on Orion working with me in this transmission. I’m so proud of me, i saw the wales laughing with me saying you did it, you did it. I feel a strong connection with Cyprus. I always thought i had chosen to study modern Greek because of the handsome teacher;), i kow now it was a soul reminiscence. Kypros, Lazaros end in the same word as the rose in Greek ‘Ros’, wonder if it is only coincidence.
Thank you ladies for the immensely important work you are doing for the universe. May you be held always, aho !
Hello Anna, Petra and Janneke,
I wrote another text on my blog highly inspired by the visions i had during the transmissions during the retreat, you’ll find the link here under. The trinity, but also t…
Hello Anna, Petra and Janneke,
I wrote another text on my blog highly inspired by the visions i had during the transmissions during the retreat, you’ll find the link here under. The trinity, but also the kings and the crowns. I feel my soul has been advising kings in some life times, maybe as a druidess, sometimes as a wife, sometimes as a priestess. It came sometimes with anger for not being acknowledged. In the trinity we were asked to form during the transmission, i had to place 3 men ! I found it difficult to find a place to put me in 🙂 it al comes together. I can now say that i healed my wound of the divine masculine. I had unified my soul it in Glastonbury, but there was still a part of me aching with the fact of not being seen or sometimes not being loved by the men i supported with advice. In May I was ,surprisingly enough, struggling with the energy of Suurmaj…, i couldn’t reach him and he didn’t see me. I couldn’t listen to his songs and i felt sorry for Shuumatra, for her being held in his shadow in some way. This summer, things shifted, on the last day we finally had a discussion as we were eating in front of each other. I saw him see me for the first time and he wrote me a message afterwards confirming my feelings. In the last circle he shared that he didn’t want to take his lion of Abessinia, or that his staff didn’t want to come…. and for me it was the first time i dared to take mine in the circle, i felt i got some space. I feel he makes space for the priestesses in a way i hadn’t felt before. I can’t share all of that with him as i don’t want him to take it personal. But i healed my wound related to the divine masculine partly through Suurmaj.
On my birthday, one of the men of my trinity, the one i thought he was my twinflame, thanked me for being his guiding light and advisor. In my soul reading done my Judith Kussel he was a pharaoh and i was his wife sister…I guess it al comes together. I give thanks to the men, I give thanks to you and also to myself me for the work, to Avalon and King Arthur and his knights and to the priestesses.
I you still want to read more (in French) :était-un-roi
With love
Dear Ones,
I’m back in Belgium. Too early to do a feedback i think. But here is a start.
I loved the ‘trinity’ day. Maybe because it was a perfect coronation 😉 for my third summer retreat. I felt they al…
Dear Ones,
I’m back in Belgium. Too early to do a feedback i think. But here is a start.
I loved the ‘trinity’ day. Maybe because it was a perfect coronation 😉 for my third summer retreat. I felt they all came together like a tapestry. The 2 first retreats were held by a feminine energy, by the Cure…. and this one by the masculine counterpart, the Cousin. I suppose we’ll get one day at Sermizelles where they come together ? The sacred geometry, the ‘force’ felt and experienced in the transmission by three persons. I experienced the importance of teamwork, of my team assisting me in all i do, reminding me deeply that we are not alone. This resumes in one phrase everything i felt this week, reconnecting to the elementals, my galactic family, my avalonian family, my guides, …. and my personal trinity, the crown with 3 peaks i’m wearing.
When arriving in Vezelay by car, the song that was played was “who loves the sun”? And my god did I love this solar energy, this divine masculine energy, this force that helps us to be brave, no matter what happens, because we are held.
to resume the week in one phrase derived from Star Wars : The Force is always with you, whatever you are going through.
Small suggestion : do some body work the morning to integrate the specific theme in question. Solar plexus activation through yoga or other corpo-spiritual activity. I would be happy to be of service when needed 🙂
I made a post on my blog on my perception of the Dame a la Licorne….here is the linkésirez-vous-ma-dame
That’s it for the moment.
You know you are thanked beyond measure, i hope you feel my gratitude for all you do and for all you are.
Susan L.
Receiving these with so much gratitude Petra & Anna.
Still in an unfolding magical process after this retreat and I will take these transmissions in again (and again) over this coming summer.
Maybe eve…
Receiving these with so much gratitude Petra & Anna.
Still in an unfolding magical process after this retreat and I will take these transmissions in again (and again) over this coming summer.
Maybe even visit Vézelay again somewhere in August, we’ll see.
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the depth of heart 💚
Susan L.
“A community meal on the first evening enabled human connections to be made, and superb food made locally was much appreciated.”
“The week led by Anna and Petra are of the highest order; well balanced, intuitive, and significantly present.”
“The domain that we stayed at is in a place where you can feel the energy of the spirits.”
“I highly recommend to attend a retreat to anyone seeking spiritual growth, no matter where you are on your own spiritual path. I’m sure it will bring you insights and highlights.”
“It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immediately connected to and with most of whom I’m still in contact with. The meditations Anna & Pe…
“Once in session there is a relaxed atmosphere, though we are present to do our work individually, but also as an evolving and organic community of light, both grounded and on the Astral plane.
“Once in session there is a relaxed atmosphere, though we are present to do our work individually, but also as an evolving and organic community of light, both grounded and on the Astral plane.
Janneke is the human cog that makes many things work, and a great communicator, supporting participants all the way though. The week led by Anna and Petra are of the highest order; well balanced, intuitive, and significantly present. The centre piece is a group of crystals placed on the floor within our circle that helps give that special resonance, and sense of peace, whilst supporting the work being done.
The last day proved to be a day when the sacred masculine was honoured, after an outpouring of expression from us as a minority group. Anna and Petra listened and felt with great intensity, and out of nowhere created two circles to embrace both masculine and feminine together and separately. Our male group not only felt our exhaulted energy, but that of our feminine counterparts, where finally we joined in spiritual and energenetic union. This was a fitting end to the week.
There will be a number of individual stories, revelations, and transformations. The evening ‘party’ of self presented food, followed by the sacred ritual of fire, around which we danced, played music, and sang. As the evening sun sank into a golden sky, a sense of gratitude was acknowledge for the spiritual work, the organisation, facilities, and our connections.”
“I attended the Mary Magdalene School retreat in Vezelay in May 2022. Through the global online meditations with Anna & Petra during the year before I already felt a strong connection to the school and …
“I attended the Mary Magdalene School retreat in Vezelay in May 2022. Through the global online meditations with Anna & Petra during the year before I already felt a strong connection to the school and just new that I had to go when the invitation came in.
It’s hard to describe in words what the week at the domain La Vieille Borde has brought me. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immediately connected to and with most of whom I’m still in contact with. The meditations Anna & Petra prepared for us were incredibly profound. And the domain that we stayed at is in a place where you can feel the energy of the spirits.
But most of all, it felt like coming home to me. I’m eternally grateful that I followed my intuition to embark on this journey. It is still ongoing and I will definitely join again next time.
I highly recommend to attend a retreat to anyone seeking spiritual growth, no matter where you are on your own spiritual path. I’m sure it will bring you insights and highlights.”
Agnita B.
It’s hard to describe in words what the week at the domain La Vieille Borde has brought me. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immedi…
It’s hard to describe in words what the week at the domain La Vieille Borde has brought me. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immediately connected to and with most of whom I’m still in contact with. The meditations Anna & Petra prepared for us were incredibly profound. And the domain that we stayed at is in a place where you can feel the energy of the spirits.
But most of all, it felt like coming home to me. I’m eternally grateful that I followed my intuition to embark on this journey. It is still ongoing and I will definitely join again next time.
Agnita B.
Phil J.
Firstly the location was superb, not simply Vezalay itself, but monasterial buildings arranged in a quadrangle, and the apartments modernised to a very high standard.
The whatsapp group enabled partic…
Firstly the location was superb, not simply Vezalay itself, but monasterial buildings arranged in a quadrangle, and the apartments modernised to a very high standard.
The whatsapp group enabled participants to connect and support arrivals, and directions, given the very rural location.
A community meal on the first evening enabled human connections to be made, and superb food made locally was much appreciated.
Avalon you may know is considered to be a sacred Arthurian land deep in English countryside aside Glastonbury, but indeed also lies 10kms from Vezalay where a less than spiritual visit may be made to Lidl supermarket for essential groceries! Avalon also holds wonderful ancient architecture and churches.
Once in session there is a relaxed atmosphere, though we are present to do our work individually, but also as an evolving and organic community of light, both grounded and on the Astral plane.
Janneke is the human cog that makes many things work, and a great communicator, supporting participants all the way though.
As the week developed impromptu gatherings over self made dinners, and lunches added to our developing community spirit.
The week led by Anna and Petra are of the highest order; well balanced, intuitive, and significantly present. The centre piece is a group of crystals placed on the floor within our circle that helps give that special resonance, and sense of peace, whilst supporting the work being done.
The work is interactive, but day 1 was a 6km walk into Vezalay, but in the slowest gear of the car, proved a notable challenge to slow down, be in silence, see what you are missing, and be more present with self. The fact that the route is a beginning of the Camino was particularly special.
We were blessed with superb weather, and the large tent/. xx worked well.
The days blend into each other as progress is made through meditations and connected activities.
A visit to a small church on the outskirts of Vezalay proved to be a pinnacle experience for me. Blessed with a wonderful singer from nearby she xx sang several pieces in the church. The acoustics were astonishing, matched by the sweetness of the skylark, and purity of mountain water, she reached notes of the most astonishing beauty, tears from melting icebergs are immediate.
The final day started with a change in dynamic, with only 4 men in the group, and 22 women, not surprisingly there was a strong feminine Mary Magdelene energy. The last day proved to be a day when the sacred masculine was honoured, after an outpouring of expression from us as a minority group. Anna and Petra listened and felt with great intensity, and out of nowhere created two circles to embrace both masculine and feminine together and separately. Our male group not only felt our exhaulted energy, but that of our feminine counterparts, where finally we joined in spiritual and energenetic union. This was a fitting end to the week.
There will be a number of individual stories, revelations, and transformations. The evening ‘party’ of self presented food, followed by the sacred ritual of fire, around which we danced, played music, and sang. As the evening sun sank into a golden sky, a sense of gratitude was acknowledge for the spiritual work, the organisation, facilities, and our connections.
Phil J.
Agnita B.
I attended the Mary Magdalene School retreat in Vezelay in May 2022. Through the global online meditations with Anna & Petra during the year before I already felt a strong connection to the school and …
I attended the Mary Magdalene School retreat in Vezelay in May 2022. Through the global online meditations with Anna & Petra during the year before I already felt a strong connection to the school and just new that I had to go when the invitation came in.
It’s hard to describe in words what the week at the domain La Vieille Borde has brought me. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immediately connected to and with most of whom I’m still in contact with. The meditations Anna & Petra prepared for us were incredibly profound. And the domain that we stayed at is in a place where you can feel the energy of the spirits.
But most of all, it felt like coming home to me. I’m eternally grateful that I followed my intuition to embark on this journey. It is still ongoing and I will definitely join again next time.
I highly recommend to attend a retreat to anyone seeking spiritual growth, no matter where you are on your own spiritual path. I’m sure it will bring you insights and highlights.
With love
Agnita B.
Henk K.
Dear All Re-Membership Ones,
I want to share some of the harvest. Still difficult to find words for it. I am processing in relatively silence all the work Vera and I were called for to do in Vézelay …
Dear All Re-Membership Ones,
I want to share some of the harvest. Still difficult to find words for it. I am processing in relatively silence all the work Vera and I were called for to do in Vézelay last month.
It is about Healing of the wounded femininity and of the wounded masculinity as in personal as well inter-personally as trans-personally.
And the silence in which I am is relatively in my world as I meet exactly the same processes in my daily work with and for the patients and their families. And exactly how it is in the teams with which we co-create together. Not only the teams of my occupation.
In every moment I am
As a result I am working about 20/24 hours these months.
And I feel so blessed to may do this.
Finally, after all these centuries (aeons?) of being suppressed, violated, ignored. And of suppressing, ignoring and violating as well.
Finally strongly connected with my Higher Self. and supported and carried by so much Helpers and Angels and other Beings of different Realms.
To end this message: when I started to write this message I had no idea wat was to be written.
I feel blessed.
By the initiators our dearest MM, our beloved Yeshua, all angelic realms, our beloved Petra and Anna, beloved all of you.
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou
Henk K.
Cindy O.
I have not had time to read all the posts but will when I get home. Sitting at Charles De Gaulle waiting to fly home. I spent the last day and a half walking around Paris, rain and shine, soaking it a…
I have not had time to read all the posts but will when I get home. Sitting at Charles De Gaulle waiting to fly home. I spent the last day and a half walking around Paris, rain and shine, soaking it all up. It was magical and beautiful but I have to say Vezelay has my heart. I know that is because of all of you beautiful souls with whom I shared a very special experience and connection. I feel like I still haven’t landed so to say. I feel changed forever, cannot go back to who I was before I arrived and do not want to. I’m not sure how all that will look but will embrace it with all my heart. I wish each of you much joy, love and light. You are forever in my heart ♥️
Cindy O.
Jacqueline H.
Dear Petra and Anna,Thank you very much for the online retraite of 7 days!
A reference: Petra and Anna are beautiful sincere spiritualteachers who are guided very well to bringunity, healing and love…
Thank you for now, keep on going with your beautiful work andI will feel when I would like to join inagain������Enjoy the beautifulweatherthe coming days!!!!☀With love
Jacqueline H.
Noelle M.
I just have to thank you from the very depths of my heart for the work that you are doing in this world, in this Universe. The last meditations over Beltane that you have offered to us all are amazing…
I just have to thank you from the very depths of my heart for the work that you are doing in this world, in this Universe. The last meditations over Beltane that you have offered to us all are amazingly beautiful. This has helped me on my path of a human being of the New Earth immensely. I feel like I understand now. Like I can create anew from this new energy and it is clear, whole, pure, and so much more. Thank you.
Noelle M.
Susanne H.
This morning I assisted a dear client of mine in releasing old pain. I was thrilled with joy for her for it took her a lot of time to come to this point. After my lunch I checked my FB and I came acro…
This morning I assisted a dear client of mine in releasing old pain. I was thrilled with joy for her for it took her a lot of time to come to this point. After my lunch I checked my FB and I came across your beautiful Valentine’s meditation. I hadn’t seen any announcement on this but I felt I had to do this meditation right away. I was so astonished when I heard what the meditation was about. Everything you told, I had been practicing during the healing session with my client this morning and Archangel Gabriel was very present as he is one of her guiding angels.
When I did the meditation I was so overwhelmed by the feeling of coming Home, the feeling of the great unified field, that I cried my heart out. Tears from consolation, recognition, feeling home, love and oneness ran over my cheeks. I could feel the greatness we are in our essence.
Dear Anna and Petra, thank you so much for sharing this meditation and all the great work you and your team are doing.
Susanne H.
Just completed reading your book. The first thought is, “Awakening the Inner Light.” Anna was right. A lot of messages, and many resonated deeply with me, offering practical guidance since I have practi…
Just completed reading your book. The first thought is, “Awakening the Inner Light.” Anna was right. A lot of messages, and many resonated deeply with me, offering practical guidance since I have practiced all meditations in good energies. I am particularly grateful for the meditative meditation practices you included. They have become an integral part of my spiritual practice, fostering a deeper connection with the divine. Your work is not just a book; it is a guiding light that has illuminated my path and inspired me to live with greater intention and love. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for the positive impact you have made on my life. With deep appreciation
Virginia N.
Every time I reread a meditation in your book or revisit one of your meditations , either alone or with your voices to guide, I have a different experience, different guidance comes in…and yes, it alw…
Every time I reread a meditation in your book or revisit one of your meditations , either alone or with your voices to guide, I have a different experience, different guidance comes in…and yes, it always seems to come back to new perception…! Much resonance at my end with your words! Thank you again for all your work and leadership- so much growth coming in- so happy to be a part of this school !
Virginia N.
Susanne K.
I just practiced Rainbow breath meditation. Thank you so much for this beautiful practice. I’ll try to share some of my experience.
During the meditation I experienced a lot of rest and I fell asleep…
I just practiced Rainbow breath meditation. Thank you so much for this beautiful practice. I’ll try to share some of my experience.
During the meditation I experienced a lot of rest and I fell asleep in the last moments. First a kind of trance then sleep. In it I am recharging and resting on a deep level. Calming my nervous system. A very direct way of me getting myself into resting mode. I Today I felt very very emotional, a lot of ‘soul-pain’ washing through me like waves. Now I feel much more balanced after the meditation.
I love that this technique is working on many levels at the same time.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work.
Susanne K.
Sabine van der P.
Beautiful meditation technique, it needs a bit of practice but still feels natural at the same time! I sensed a clearance of the circuits and softening and shining bright golden light in and from the …
Andrea von O.
Thank you to both of you. This was incredibly deep. I literally zoned out many times as the healing moved through me which rarely happens these days. I will come back to this in the coming days. Profo…
Tears flowed spontaneously during the meditation, at times I smiled in bliss, at times I sighed in heaviness.
Rose Y.
I would like to thank you both for this beautiful meditation. It cleared my being of a negative entity.
Marianna L.
Global MM Meditation was absolutely amazing. I was listening to it and went really deep in and was able to truly connect with my heart on a really deep level. I was doing it together while holding Yes…
Global MM Meditation was absolutely amazing. I was listening to it and went really deep in and was able to truly connect with my heart on a really deep level. I was doing it together while holding Yeshua in my arms. We had a profound experience doing so. Thank you again for all of your great words to humanity.
Marianna L.
Ida Mary C.
I love the meditations. Continue your great work. It’s beyond words.
Siri Prem K.
It is a great honor to be with you in these times, thank you so much!
Dawn C.
Thank you so much for these beautiful meditations, they have really made a difference, you are wonderful souls.
Nikki Sophia Jade K.
Thank you both for this so beautifully divine and sacred space. A powerful, gentle gift for us all over these past few days. Your hearts are so pure and generous. Truly grateful.
Nur M.
This was fantastic! Words cannot describe what happens within…
Erika S.
Deep gratitude for this beautiful gathering in the one heart unified field. I was deeply moved by the sense of ONEness through this meditation and felt it at the deepest of my being.
Virginia N.
I just love the gentleness, peace and relaxation offered by Anna and Petra’s beautiful voices and meditations and really resonate with their work. I have experienced many miracles following their medi…
Marie-Jose S.
Extraordinarily beautiful wisdom both of you. I experienced the most beautiful inner journeys thanks to your calm voices and guidance .. So grateful to join you for more than a year and feeling so ble…
Extraordinarily beautiful wisdom both of you. I experienced the most beautiful inner journeys thanks to your calm voices and guidance .. So grateful to join you for more than a year and feeling so blessed! Your meditations are the treasures in my life and inner being. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart and soul.
Marie-Jose S.
Anneke L.
Thank You so much for doing what you are doing to transform our world into the beautiful, wonderful place that it is meant to be. I am really grateful to participate in the meditation sessions that un…
Thank You so much for doing what you are doing to transform our world into the beautiful, wonderful place that it is meant to be. I am really grateful to participate in the meditation sessions that unify people from all over the world and are so helpful in this time of Transition.
Thank You… Thank You… Thank You!
A warm embrace…
Anneke L.
Christa T.
Sweet sisters! Thank you sooo much for this amazing work again!!! Now my connecting with the Great Jade Temple will be even bigger and stronger then ever before!!! Blessings and love and gratitude to …
Wauw, what a magical meditation.. so much love and light around me.. so thankfull
Barbara S.
PETRA & ANNA: Thank you so very much. You both are so very beautiful and the light love and gentleness that comes from you is amazing! Many Blessings for the Great Work you are doing.
Ben B.
Dear friends, I just rewatched this plenary session you all created. What a holy and inspired moment!! Sending much love and gratitude to you all.
Maartje G.
I want to thank you for all the work you are doing, all the opportunities you are providing and holding space for everybody. The meditations are profound and beyond my understanding.
So much happens …
I want to thank you for all the work you are doing, all the opportunities you are providing and holding space for everybody. The meditations are profound and beyond my understanding.
So much happens and i can’t recollect it, it happens in another realm or consciousness.
Your contribution to the World Unity Week was so important for all participants and beyond.
I feel words cannot express enough my gratitude. I feel and know that a lot of experiences are to come. I look forward to growing in every aspect possible, because your work is bringing me to the next level.
In deep gratitude
Maartje G.
Daniella C.
Very intense emotions, we saw all our fears and obstacles blocking the flow of love, created by the Roman Empire’s system which was inherited by the Vatican…The themes of control, power used for Ego man…
Very intense emotions, we saw all our fears and obstacles blocking the flow of love, created by the Roman Empire’s system which was inherited by the Vatican…The themes of control, power used for Ego manifestation, and violence were all seen by us, but with the Great Mother’s energy we overcome all and we spent a day in a ” cloud of protection and love”.
Daniella C.
Marina B.
We are continuing with the completion of the incarnation of the Great Mother through our creation of holy thoughts fertilized with new knowledge manifesting in our souls, each in its own measure and t…
Hanna P.
Feeling the lightness and absence of drama. Warm, united and golden, feeling the Essene family coming together. Extremely tired today but it feels like everything is open and everything is possible.
Maitreya B.
I am so grateful for Anna & Petra, Yeshua & Magdalene. Our Ark of Peace meditation was very well received, it was the first time any of my tribe had done them. Only two of us actively meditate in this w…
I am so grateful for Anna & Petra, Yeshua & Magdalene. Our Ark of Peace meditation was very well received, it was the first time any of my tribe had done them. Only two of us actively meditate in this way. Petra’s meditation was followed by a lot of talk about Magdalene and her role and questions, curiosity and new inspiration around Mary & Yeshua. It was beautiful.
Maitreya B.
Susanne H.
I did the Peace Meditation Tuesday morning. It was magical. My whole body resonated and tears ran down my cheeks. I almost fainted. After that a deep peace came over me.
Agnita B.
I bow to you with reverence (and to the whole team and members/followers of the school), for the great work you’re doing. All the preparations, the great programmes you put together and the meditations…
Diana G.
Words cannot convey my deep gratitude, Anna and Petra, for this transformational meditation. Such an exquisite gentle softness.
This morning I was able to view the meditation on which you were both… My God, this is what keeps my head and spirit above water; I’m waiting for the French version.
Depuis mon inscription à votre écol…
This morning I was able to view the meditation on which you were both… My God, this is what keeps my head and spirit above water; I’m waiting for the French version.
Depuis mon inscription à votre école, je suis à chaque Un-se-tend avec vous et le Collectif de Lumière, si je puis l’appeler ainsi. Mon crâne de cristal et d’autres, m’accompagnent grandement. Du coup j’ai quasiment tout le temps des bourdonnements d oreille… Bcp d amour, bcp de choses se passent. C’est vraiment Un-croyable et magique.
Marie-Jose S.
Extraordinary beautifull of wisdom both of you. I experienced the most beautiful inner journeys thanks to your calm voices and guidance .. So grateful to join you for more than a year and feeling so b…
Extraordinary beautifull of wisdom both of you. I experienced the most beautiful inner journeys thanks to your calm voices and guidance .. So grateful to join you for more than a year and feeling so blessed! Your meditations are the treasures in my life and inner being. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart and soul.
Marie-Jose S.
Zoreva H.
I did the peace meditation on my own, but it was an incredible feeling of being connected to ALL 🌄🌠 and each one 💕. The energy felt like a purification and a homecoming. So grateful to have the chance…
You have been working and producing high quality presentations, written explanations and great images for months, it positively relentless ! The continued expansion of your highly articulate new spiri…
Rosa Maria K.
Thank you to all. It has been a joy to participate in all that The Mary Magdalene School has created. So beautiful, and healing for myself and Mother Earth. The meditations have taken me on a very dee…
Thank you to all. It has been a joy to participate in all that The Mary Magdalene School has created. So beautiful, and healing for myself and Mother Earth. The meditations have taken me on a very deep journey and I could not have believed how I have changed even in just the last 10 days. I have been doing the work daily. Thank you for the Mary Magdalene School for creating that womb of security, support and connection and all those that have participated along side me.
Rosa Maria K.
Tera H.
The Masters of the Sun transmission is so powerful. We are going to do again today. ❤️❤️❤️
Christine S.
Thank you for these wonderful meditatitions. They brought me forward. My heart went open. I hear the meditatitions occationaly. The book open my mindset. The best think is that I know more about MM . …
Thank you for these wonderful meditatitions. They brought me forward. My heart went open. I hear the meditatitions occationaly. The book open my mindset. The best think is that I know more about MM . Here in Germany there is no info. I m so impressed that you in France keep MM alive. Thank you for opening the valuable school for All. This is so important for all who are called to work on New Golden Age. Thank you.
Christine S.
Thank you. Our gatherings are co creation. I am so grateful. The medecine we as humanity needs now.
Susan A.
Beautiful, as always. My favorite was the use of Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy.
Thank you.
Phil J.
The meditations that you’ve been constructing recently have held significant meaning for me these last few months, and I am grateful, not only for your displays of astonishing talent, creativity, lingu…
The meditations that you’ve been constructing recently have held significant meaning for me these last few months, and I am grateful, not only for your displays of astonishing talent, creativity, linguistic excellence beyond the ordinary, but as you can see from what’s been happening to me, your sense of trust, integrity, and love are formidable.
With my Love
Phil J.
Virginia N.
I treated myself to this for the school’s 3rd birthday as i had been drawn to it for a while. It is a lovely mixture of short and longer meditations taking me deeply into myself in a very gentle way. …
I treated myself to this for the school’s 3rd birthday as i had been drawn to it for a while. It is a lovely mixture of short and longer meditations taking me deeply into myself in a very gentle way. It offers a delightful and illuminating journey into myself -a very good foundation to some of the Schools longer programmes. Thank you -I shall revisit these many times! Xxx
Virginia N.
Paula H.
“With the help of these inspiring meditations I can feel the Presence back in my heart. It has been hard for me to keep the connection for the past few years but now I’m back on track. Thank You both, …
Just completed reading your book. The first thought is, “Awakening the Inner Light.” Anna was right. A lot of messages, and many resonated deeply with me, offering practical guidance since I have practi…
Just completed reading your book. The first thought is, “Awakening the Inner Light.” Anna was right. A lot of messages, and many resonated deeply with me, offering practical guidance since I have practiced all meditations in good energies. I am particularly grateful for the meditative meditation practices you included. They have become an integral part of my spiritual practice, fostering a deeper connection with the divine. Your work is not just a book; it is a guiding light that has illuminated my path and inspired me to live with greater intention and love. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for the positive impact you have made on my life. With deep appreciation
Virginia N.
Every time I reread a meditation in your book or revisit one of your meditations , either alone or with your voices to guide, I have a different experience, different guidance comes in…and yes, it alw…
Every time I reread a meditation in your book or revisit one of your meditations , either alone or with your voices to guide, I have a different experience, different guidance comes in…and yes, it always seems to come back to new perception…! Much resonance at my end with your words! Thank you again for all your work and leadership- so much growth coming in- so happy to be a part of this school !
Virginia N.
Christine S.
Thank you for these wonderful meditatitions. They brought me forward. My heart went open. I hear the meditatitions occationaly. The book open my mindset. The best think is that I know more about MM . …
Thank you for these wonderful meditatitions. They brought me forward. My heart went open. I hear the meditatitions occationaly. The book open my mindset. The best think is that I know more about MM . Here in Germany there is no info. I m so impressed that you in France keep MM alive. Thank you for opening the valuable school for All. This is so important for all who are called to work on New Golden Age. Thank you.
Christine S.
This is one of the best How To books I’ve read in a long time! As a Mary Magdalene fan since childhood(I chose her as my Confirmation name), I feel I’ve come HOME….Their website is awesome tooooo….
I have being doing some online guided meditations with these ladies which I always enjoyed so I purchased their book. It doesn’t disappoint. It’s a very beautiful book filled with gorgeous meditations a…
I have being doing some online guided meditations with these ladies which I always enjoyed so I purchased their book. It doesn’t disappoint. It’s a very beautiful book filled with gorgeous meditations and introductions to contemplate on before going into the meditation. I’m very glad I bought it.
Thank you for your beautiful work, for your stepping into your soul purpose and for sharing it with us worldwide.
Marty C.
In such gratitude again for your service to our going forward. You continually strike the chords of wisdom and truth
Petra and Anna create such a powerful space of meditation and spiritual journey. I can certainly feel the difference when we are all meditating at the same time and when I listen later to a recording…
Petra and Anna create such a powerful space of meditation and spiritual journey. I can certainly feel the difference when we are all meditating at the same time and when I listen later to a recording. However, being live on zoom with their two beautiful souls opened a whole new gate flooded with gratitude. I feel so blessed to have been connected to them over these months.
Regardless how deep my own inner journeys may go, they never are as profound in the presence and guidance of Anna & Petra.
I am so grateful for Petra and Anna. This school and its free offerings have truly changed the trajectory of my life in such a soft, gentle loving way. Thank you Anna. Thank you Petra van der Linden-…
Mary C.
From the inner space of my heart, I want to thank both of you, for all the incredible work you do to help us on our journey. I feel so blessed to have been led to the Mary Magdalene School.
Jean-Paul J.
Très Chères Petra et Anna
Que de joies s’amoncelles transmises par votre vidéo: l’immense tendresse qui se dégage de vos belles et bonnes personnes ; vos voix qui dégagent plus qu’une invitation à la mé…
Très Chères Petra et Anna
Que de joies s’amoncelles transmises par votre vidéo: l’immense tendresse qui se dégage de vos belles et bonnes personnes ; vos voix qui dégagent plus qu’une invitation à la méditation mais bel et bien à nous unir d’un même élan pour réussir notre envolée et nous retrouver sur les plans Ďivins. Vous me faites pleurer mais c’est mon âme qui déjà est enchantée! … VOTRE ÉCOLE NOUS RÉUNIT SI FORT QUE LE GROUPE EST UN!
Jean-Paul J.
Mayuri Marie O.
I have been reading “The Magdalene Version” , but slowly. Each chapter is so profound, I find myself needing a couple of days of integration before I read the next chapter. The latest was on The Zen p…
I have been reading “The Magdalene Version” , but slowly. Each chapter is so profound, I find myself needing a couple of days of integration before I read the next chapter. The latest was on The Zen patriarch Sosan and it had a huge impact. I realized that my teacher Osho, in the 1980s, was teaching us the oneness and nonduality in his Zen discourses and I also recognized how profoundly my life trajectory has been impacted from that time. It’s like coming home inside of myself….. And makes me even more grateful to find the Mary Magdalene School.
Mayuri Marie O.
Jean-Paul J.
Fortunately Petra and my very dear Anna remind me that the feminine aspect in my life is very much actively present and that it’s up to me to open up to it, and above all through my open consciousness …
Fortunately Petra and my very dear Anna remind me that the feminine aspect in my life is very much actively present and that it’s up to me to open up to it, and above all through my open consciousness to be a participant in the ranks of your classroom in order to – again and again – ensure that divine love is very active for the Earth and its children – our brothers and sisters.
How often I see our alter egos watching us from their more subtle planes, watching for the rising light of our work so that they too can be nourished by the love that results… because let’s remain convinced that if we’re working for Gaia and her children, we’re also working for the whole universe… We are universal brothers, and we must become and grow as universal children. That’s what’s asked and expected of us… What a wonderful responsibility!
I love you because I don’t feel alone and you are one of the links that nourish me to the Divine through the Divine!
Jean-Paul J.
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you are sharing with the world and the soul touching, heart expanding work I got to experience through the Mary Magdalen School.
The reas…
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the work you are sharing with the world and the soul touching, heart expanding work I got to experience through the Mary Magdalen School.
The reason for this email is that I really wanted to take some time to let you know and share what is actually beyond words, how grateful I am for having experienced this incredible field of love you are sharing with the world.
Through the healing circle I experienced in the school (which was an absolute magical surprise, I did not knew that that was going to happen) I have been gifted with more joy, wholeness and peace than I thought was possible.
The beautiful soul journeys you share, the grounding wisdom through the teachings and describing so poignantly what is going on in the field have been absolute pearls to me. They have been – and will be – of significance and importance to me.
I can’t thank you enough for the purity of heart in which you share your work.
I also (deeply) respect and admire the space you provide to others and the strength, clarity and firmness and unshakable love that must take.
Tanvi G.
I am really grateful to Anna & Petra. Thank you for changing my life.
In gratitude of all that was, is and will be….I am thankful for all the support and assistance and the services, I am grateful that this space provides for me to learn and grow as a spirit!!! I am grat…
In gratitude of all that was, is and will be….I am thankful for all the support and assistance and the services, I am grateful that this space provides for me to learn and grow as a spirit!!! I am grateful that this space gives me the ability to come into my calling and alignment to remember who I am.
Thank you for this journey of coming HOME! In gratitude for all the hard work that is put in by the team at the school.
Anika L.
Since “discovery” of this Mary Magdalene School my mind has been stretched more in the past year than ever before. I have discovered worlds and beings that I’d never even thought actually existed. And…
Since “discovery” of this Mary Magdalene School my mind has been stretched more in the past year than ever before. I have discovered worlds and beings that I’d never even thought actually existed. And some beyond even my imagination. This is on a whole other level.
My beliefs have been constantly questioned. I’ve discovered angels. And every time I’ve doubted what we’re doing and where we’re being asked to go in these meditations I’ve asked them to protect and guide me. And we’ve gone together.
Anika L.
Marieke M.
Anna and Petra form a beautiful and powerful complementary duo. With their enormous capacities of light and love, they are able to connect to the upper kingdoms, thus putting us in contact with Marie-…
Pauline L.
Anna & Petra are fabulous. The teachings are deep, clear and complete. With Consciousness and Anchorage, we work individually / collectively, Together, to accompany the changes experienced by our Human…
Anna & Petra are fabulous. The teachings are deep, clear and complete. With Consciousness and Anchorage, we work individually / collectively, Together, to accompany the changes experienced by our Humanity, our Earth and all the Life that composes it.
A great force born from this multidimensional sacred Reliance, it supports us in our Evolution and allows us to be at Service.
I am full of gratitude and joy, to follow their teachings and practices, in order to cultivate Peace and Consciousness Unity within Self, for the greater good of all, in harmony with Universal Laws.
Pauline L.
Lori S.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom always! It helps me so much!
Warmest Regards
Mary C.
For anyone new to this page, I cannot recommend these amazing beacons of light enough. There is a lot of information out there at the moment and some of it can be confusing. I always feel like a “comin…
For anyone new to this page, I cannot recommend these amazing beacons of light enough. There is a lot of information out there at the moment and some of it can be confusing. I always feel like a “coming home” to the purest kind of love when I listen to one of these meditations. Being in the Re-Membership Group gives a special kind of support and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Anna, Petra and their support team. I think I would feel rather lost without you! 🙏💜🌹
Mary C.
Kerrianne M.
Thankyou for your beautiful work, for your stepping into your soul purpose and for sharing it with us worldwide.
Noelle M.
I just have to thank you from the very depths of my heart for the work that you are doing in this world, in this Universe. the last meditations, over Beltane that you have offered to us all are amazin…
I just have to thank you from the very depths of my heart for the work that you are doing in this world, in this Universe. the last meditations, over Beltane that you have offered to us all are amazingly beautiful. this has helped me on my path of a human being of the New Earth immensely. I feel like I understand now. Like I can create anew from this new energy and it is clear, whole, pure, and so much more. thank you. thank you Namaste.
Noelle M.
MaryPat A.
We are new to your page yet, the sophia codes are intimately perceived. We are enjoying the powerful transmissions and meditations so much and have shared them with others. Thank you for your servic…
Mimi R.
Thank you for reminding us supporting us that we are being called to our spiritual work …as we have been prepared through our life experiences to step forward now . Your truth and boldness in following…
Thank you for reminding us supporting us that we are being called to our spiritual work …as we have been prepared through our life experiences to step forward now . Your truth and boldness in following your own call to guide this Mary Magdalene collective is of great inspiration and love !♥️🦋 May we all follow your leadership in our own unique ways! Blessings
Mimi R.
Tammy H.
Thank you for all this beautiful work you are doing for humanity! Much love to you!
Giovanna N.
Highly recommended…🌿💕🌟 Pure authentic devoted connected channels.
Géraldine B.
Dear Anna and Petra, thank you for your amazing work. I have been meditating last year with you and it was a beautiful and profound experience, one I have rarely felt… I send you all my Love and thank …
Dear Anna and Petra, thank you for your amazing work. I have been meditating last year with you and it was a beautiful and profound experience, one I have rarely felt… I send you all my Love and thank you again for all this beautiful energy. Let’s move on with Mary and Jesus, Love has won!
Géraldine B.
Jan C.
For both man and women who recognise and want to balance the feminine and masculine energies within themselve.
For those who want to know the truth about the Magdalenes and those who worked with them.
Christa T.
Mary Magdalene’s School, is like a home filled with love and light. Many thanks to Petra and Anna.
Virginia N.
Excellent website, customer service and delivery.
Angela C.
Dear Anna & Petra I Love your loving safe container . The teachings & meditations are Wonderfull. I have a deep connection to Isis, Mary Magdalen , Jesus the Christ & now Melchizedek. My grandfather was …
Dear Anna & Petra I Love your loving safe container . The teachings & meditations are Wonderfull. I have a deep connection to Isis, Mary Magdalen , Jesus the Christ & now Melchizedek. My grandfather was from Northern Cyprus & I love holidays there. Thankyou soooo much for the amazing transformations & transitions . Much love & beautiful blessings to you both xx