This promotion has ended, but you can still become member of our Remembership community.
Please go to for more information.
Each step we take together in this spiritual community is a reminder of our shared purpose. We align ourselves with our destiny and willingly embrace what life has prepared for us, and this fills our hearts with determination and gratitude!
This month, we invite you to join our Remembership Community, and when you do so, you will have the opportunity to join our 10-day global healing water work FOR FREE (value €198,-).
This possibility is available until February 14, 2024, when you commit to a full-year membership, with the full awareness that you are supporting a New Earth Initiative. The APOTHEOSIS OF THE INNER WATERS program will run February 14-23, and if you are already a member of the Remembership Community, you will receive this program for FREE as our gift of gratitude to your ongoing spiritual service!
Why are we offering you this gift? We feel that commitment to the (internal) shifts & stabilization of the (inner-outer) field is essential in these times. A conscious, consistent presence & focussed love is required in 2024, as humanity moves through another year of transcending outdated, limiting frameworks, and aligns itself with new, illuminated & expansive reality structures with the unconditional Love of the Divine Mother-Father. This year we expect to witness the collective being shaken to the core, and for this reason, there is a need to strengthen and stabilise PEACE.
We will simultaneously be creating the architecture of the New Earth in partnership with the Nature Kingdoms and with the Elements. To this end, we will be focussing on the Waters in February! As new cosmic, spiritual light continues to awaken our biological potential, we will bear witness to, and experience, the dissolution of devolutive perception within ourselves and within the collective.
In Mary Magdalene’s School, we are committed to supporting this process by providing a safe, loving container for lightworkers to come together, to share their experiences, to remember their multidimensional nature, to support each other, to heal and to consciously build a field of Oneness.
This month, we invite you to join our Remembership Community, and when you do so, you will have the opportunity to join our ten-day global water work FOR FREE.
In preparation for the Peace Work in February, several guides have come in to support us in building the field. Mary Magdalene, who holds a field of Remembrance and Sophia Christ Consciousness, the Waitaha Elders, as well as beings from ancient Lemuria and Orion, are all assisting to make this program serve the evolution of humanity.
You will receive the program APOTHEOSIS OF THE INNER WATERS: A Special Intensive Program for the Elevation of Humankind. This will be a 7-Day Online Program + 1 LIVE Sharing Circle on February 23. We will focus on building the field collectively in the membership platform from February 14-23, to support the expansion of consciousness on Gaia. By joining the Remembership Community, you will be able to contribute your light & love to this important consciousness, within the safe & nourishing setting of the membership program.
Soul Family! A basic need in the New Times! We all need a place to drop our masks & armours, a safe space to share honestly with like-minded, heart-based, open, curious people. A place to remember, to accept ourselves & others fully, to support each other through life challenges as we walk a path illuminated by our inner light. A place to build PEACE!
The Remembership Community is a space to support each other in a field of magic & epiphany, by sharing our ever-accelerating expansion of multidimensional consciousness. A space where we are held & understood by like-minded souls as we move through deep transformation processes. This is a place to rest and lean back when we are integrating, digesting, anchoring,… We know deep in our hearts that we need to be in awakened community as we journey in these extraordinary times!
This is a community that is aware that it is on Earth to accomplish a cosmic mission! No more time for excuses … We are here to shine brightly! We are here to live the I AM presence! We are here to affirm that WE ARE BUILDING THE NEW EARTH!
We established Mary Magdalene’s Remembership Community a few years ago, in response to a call to create a safe sanctuary for the human awakening process. A space of empowerment to build the Earth we dream of!
We invite you to become a member! And you will receive Free Access to our program Apotheosis of the Inner Waters ((Value: €198,-) which we will delve into collectively as a community in the month of February.
Please click HERE for more information about the membership.
My prayers become simpler, lighter, more essential, they become more direct, and I can feel how they are carried by my voice and Intention- to the heart of God. Sometimes I had no words to express what I receive and experience, sometimes only silence and looking at your beautiful Eyes deep from my soul – would be my Gratitude. As more I have been in the Silence as more, I could rest and receive the Medicine and the Guidance.
This Journey with YOU is a Journey of the Present, of unconditional LOVE. It’s a Journey of Space to learn and to grow, to open the eyes in a gentle way, to see when we are ready to see, to speak when we feel called to speak. It’s a journey of encouragement and softness, and sometimes it feels like the Angels light in all colors join us all the time and they say: We are all ONE, human, animals, plants, minerals, angels, – we are all One-
connected in a beautiful Web of Divine Love.
My Heart learns how to open much wider after each contraction,
My Mind learns to expand beyond the limitations of my old way of thinking,
My Feet learn how to ground deeper into the earth,
My Womb learns to hold my heart in all emotions,
My Third Eye learns to receive in a multidimensional way and trust what I see,
My Soul learns to trust my Processes, my own ways and rhythm,
My Spirit observes everything, she sees all, my efforts with the shadow work,
My Pleasure with the moments of rest,
Bliss is finding the way through me more often, and I watch ME, I watch YOU.
All I see is LOVE
I feel Life
And I know Light
All I have to do is open my heart wider than before,
Over the horizon across this land
Deep into the earth on which I stand.
In so much Love, heart connection, deep Gratitude and Joy
Thank you
Bless you
Since then, my perception of myself, the Universe, and our humanity has taken on a deeper meaning with a level of understanding that never ceases to amaze me. I discovered my inner universe and have access to it, exploring it with like-minded souls. I learned the meaning of Oneness, how we are individuals and, at the same time, we are One. I recognize my Divine part and begin to remember what I had forgotten for lifetimes.
A wisdom I had forgotten has resurfaced, and here I learned the beautiful connection with Gaia. Being aware of her, her unconditional love for me, and my love for Gaia feels both new and ancient, filling me with joy each day and with every breath. Mary Magdalene is always by my side; she never forgot me or gave up on me. It’s an ancient promise that I appreciate and celebrate.
I could continue listing everything I’ve learned in the MMS, but none of this would have been possible if Anna and Petra had not decided to create this school of mysteries. Without their wisdom, great unconditional love, and above all, their will and determination to share everything they learned, seen, studied, and researched with all of us, I could not have grown as I have with their guidance. I thank to my Eternal Father for placing them on my path. Every encounter, every teaching, and every moment shared with them has been a blessing that I deeply appreciate.
May the Divine Light continue to guide our steps on this sacred journey. I know there is a long road ahead, that we grow together and each at our own pace. However, now I know that I am on the right path and am willing to do what I came to do in this life.
Each step we take together in this spiritual community is a reminder of our shared purpose. The certainty that I am aligned with my destiny and willing to embrace what life has prepared for me fills my heart with determination and gratitude.
To all of you, each and every one of my soul brothers and sisters, in this time and space, I thank you for your love, respect, understanding, and everything we share. My blessings are with all of you always, my love and best wishes…. “
A Special Intensive Program for the Elevation of Humankind
February 14-23, 2024
A Program for the Elevation of Humankind
Imagine the sensation of deepening your bond with the Living Essence of Life – the Sacred Universal Waters that intricately connect, constantly flow, and encapsulate the entire history of Gaia Earth! Picture tapping into the profound Healing and Creational powers held within our inner and outer waters. In this era of creation, it’s paramount to co-create consciously with these Sacred Waters, which serve as catalyst for the manifestation of the New Era and its Divine Blueprint!
Embark on this 10-day intensive program with us, delving into the art of heart-centered creation through the transformative power of waters, for the betterment of our world. Our mission is to foster and amplify the highest Light Field of Creation on Earth! We invite all men and women to join us in ACTIVATING A LEAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS within the human population. Together, let’s forge a global field that propels humanity towards its original Divine Human Blueprint. Are you ready to be part of this unique journey?
Over a period of 10 days (7-day program + 1 LIVE Sharing Circle in Zoom), Anna & Petra will share their understandings of a new perceptive framework, in which participants are invited to understand & innerstand themselves as Water Beings composed of an Infinite Inner Water Apothecary. The APOTHEOSIS OF THE INNER WATERS – Elevation to Divine Consciousness is a program with recordings, transmissions and written material to immerse you into a beautiful field of creation potential!
During this time, the community platform will be the space for you to share your experiences, stories and questions, and to connect to others in the program. On the 23rd of February at 8PM (20h Paris time) we will hold a live sharing circle in Zoom with Anna & Petra to embrace the new teachings and remembrance of this Living Substance of Life. The community platform will be the space through which sharings will continue for the upcoming year of your membership.
Following these intensive 10 days of focus on water work, the online program will be available to you for a period of 2 years so that you can deepen your inner research, activate your transformational potential, and move into more conscious & impactful sacred creation. The contents of this program are designed for repeated immersion, to revivify your creation potential, and to fully awaken to the knowledge that You Are a Divine Creator Being!
12 months
€ 359,37
(9 months + 3 months free)
(including VAT 21%)
You will also discover the deep blessing of being in sacred community in this time of humanity’s ascension!
Please visit our community web page for more detailed information.
You are whole-heartedly invited to join us for this online program! Participate consciously to focus on deepening & expanding Peace for the New World.
This offer expires February 14, 2024.
We would like to offer a reduced price for those of you who are interested in attending both workshops. Please see details below.
In these 2 workshops, we will share our latest understandings on the following topics:
This is for anyone who is called to the above themes and feels in resonance with the invitation.
These workshops are a unique offering from Mary Magdalene’s School. Both workshops are divided into two parts:
PART I will be in the form of a pre-recorded webinar, which will contain new revelations and teachings about the awakening of the galactic and cosmic human on earth.
PART II is the recording of the interactive webinar, where Petra & Anna answered questions from the participants. In the first workshop Petra & Anna guide a solar activation with frequencies from the Great Central Sun. In the second workshop Petra & Anna will guide a healing of the Galactic Body and Galactic DNA activation.
In this workshop, we will share our latest understandings on the following topics:
This is for anyone who is called to the above themes and feels in resonance with the invitation.
This workshop is a unique offering from Mary Magdalene’s School that is divided into two parts:
PART I will be in the form of a pre-recorded webinar, which will contain new revelations and teachings about the awakening of the galactic and cosmic human on earth.
PART II is the recording of the interactive webinar where Petra & Anna answered questions from the participants. During the second part of this meeting, Petra & Anna will guide a healing of the galactic body and galactic DNA activation.
Solarising the Divine Human is one of Mary Magdalene’s School’s latest New Frontier workshops, available as a pre-recorded webinar with Anna Vanickova and Petra van der Linden-Brussen. We believe that awareness and understanding of photonic light infusion is a support for the process of illumination and ascension into higher consciousness.
Solarisation is a spiritual technique found in many ancient cultures, and has traditionally been used as a way of downloading cosmic, divine intelligence.
At the beginning of this new Mayan year of the Self-Existing Red Moon, and during this moment when the Lion’s Gate Portal is wide open, it is a very auspicious moment to expand our consciousness with the high levels of available solar plasma light. Solar Goddess Isis is extremely present at this time to guide us in building an ever-expanding, powerful, transformational & healing field of photonic lovelight.
In this workshop, we will share our latest understandings on the following topics:
This is for anyone who is called to the above themes and feels in resonance with the invitation.
This workshop is a unique offering from Mary Magdalene’s School that is divided into two parts:
PART I will be in the form of a pre-recorded webinar, which will contain new revelations and teachings about the awakening of the galactic and cosmic human on earth.
PART II is the recording of the interactive webinar, where Anna & Petra answered questions from participants. During the last part of this meeting, Anna & Petra will guide a solar activation with frequencies from the Great Central Sun.
“This very practical and experiential work is, in my experience, a lovely compliment to the MM School and other studies. I have been working with The Sun for years and this year I feel I have the opportunity for the first time in this life to scaffold, build a new level of connection with the Great Central Sun and other consciousnesses within the Cosmos.”
“Thank you so very much for this lovely course. It was such a treat to listen to your material and gaze at the beautiful images you shared with us. I am sure I will revisit this material many times”.
“It offered me a lot of further information and background to your meditations. Really helpful to have explanations. For example , though I have seen the term “Siddhis” before, I never knew what they are!”
“I found the material very uplifting and knew exactly when I had had enough for now and needed to pause the Webinar”.
“Thank you for all the miraculous healings which come through your Meditations and work- I feel taken to a higher level of realisation as to what this is about after experiencing the Webinar !”
€ 99,- (incl VAT)