Magdalene Peace Prophecies Revealed
Spiritual Retreat at EES* Healing Center
One Week Live Spiritual Retreat at World’s First Global Healing Hotel on Cyprus
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Mary Magdalene: “Your upcoming sacred voyage will lead you to Cyprus…”
Last year we received guidance from Mary Magdalene, indicating that we were destined to venture to another corner of Gaia…
Mary Magdalene: “Cyprus stands as a sacred portal, much like Vézelay, and is ready to reveal its hidden records. I ask you to remember Cyprus, to remember my pure transmissions there and to journey to the places you will be guided. Go there where you have been… The Libraries of Light, the Records of Universal Truth, are poised to be shared with the world. Through portals familiar to you, this task will be accomplished.”
Mary Magdalene on Cyprus – Melchizedek Wisdom
Guided by profound channelled insights from Stuart Wilson & Joanna Prentis, we discovered that Mary Magdalene held yearly gatherings on Cyprus at Joseph of Arimathea’s estate!
It is here, in this safe space, that she could express her authentic voice to her Family of Love. Through her pure transmissions in these annual gatherings, she brought Melchizedek Wisdom to the earthly realm. This was where her secret teachings on Oneness & Peace were preserved within the Hearts of the Soul Family and in the very Soul of Cyprus.
We learned that during the final gathering on Cyprus, around year 38 CE, Mary Magdalene expressed a pivotal message on Love and Oneness. This is an excerpt from her final words:
“When we all meet again, perhaps in other lives with other faces, we will recognize this golden energy and know that we have connected again with the great Family of Love.”
Mystery School Spiritual Teachings meet Sacred Health Technologies
We responded to the call with a resounding YES! After our recent visit to Cyprus, which was imbued with countless miracles, we were asked to bring our Soul Family back to Cyprus too. Together, we are to unveil the Libraries of Light containing Universal Intelligence, essential for the restoration of human dignity & sovereignty in the forthcoming phase of evolution.
In this retreat, we bring Mystery School spiritual teachings together with sacred health technologies (EES). We connect inner spiritual practices with life-supporting healing technologies to create accelerated transformation on all levels.
The alchemy of the two support an incredible rise in life force energy, giving us immeasurably greater access to the codes of the Ark of the Covenant. As our DNA is repaired & activated, we have greater access to our Creation Potential! This is a very deep remembrance process!
It is time to collectively activate a higher level of the Cosmic Light Body, connected to the Ark of the Covenant

Creation Codes of Peace
We are deeply touched and grateful to be called by Mary Magdalene & Yeshua to be in Service to Peace. And we feel deeply held, knowing that this journey will be accompanied, among others, by Lord Melchizedek, the Priests & Priestesses of the Melchizedek Order, the Great White Brother- and Sisterhood, the Ancient Ones (Kaloo) and members of the High Council of Orion.
We are being guided by Lord Melchizedek and Mary Magdalene to awaken the cosmic seeds of the Ark of the Covenant, that have laid latent in the etheric realms & in our DNA. The Ark of the Covenant contains the Prime Creation Codes, the original codes of Source Creation, designed to be accessed by all human beings and to be used for new, harmonious creation. Together, our task is to access once again these creation codes, so that we become the vehicles through which birth will be given to the New Civilisation of Love – the Civilisation of the One Heart & Mind.
In this retreat, we bring Mystery School spiritual teachings together with sacred health technologies (EES). We connect inner spiritual practices with life-supporting healing technologies to create accelerated transformation on all levels.
The alchemy of the two support an incredible rise in life force energy, giving us immeasurably greater access to the codes of the Ark of the Covenant. As our DNA is repaired & activated, we have greater access to our Creation Potential! This is a very deep remembrance process!
It is time to collectively activate a higher level of the Cosmic Light Body, connected to the Ark of the Covenant
WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT RETREATS WITH PETRA & ANNA: “I feel changed forever, cannot go back to who I was before I arrived and do not want to. I’m not sure how all that will look but will embrace it with all my heart. You are forever in my heart”
We invite you to join us for this unique retreat, which promises to be an extraordinary journey in opening our consciousness! In a consecrated area of North Cyprus, encircled by ancient pyramids, we find a healing sanctuary where science serves the healing & spiritual awakening of humanity. The site emanates an activated field of very high cosmic intelligence, activated Sophia Christ Consciousness, which many may recognize as the New Jerusalem.
The sanctuary is a direct portal to the Temple of Melchizedek on Mintaka, in ascended Orion. Cyprus holds the Goddess Stone, one of the three Mother Stones of Orion, and the Ancient Ones are her protectors.

Sites Inhabited by the Ancient Ones
Little did we know when we arrived at the healing sanctuary, that we had arrived in a region where the Kaloo, the Ancient Ones who survived the fall of Atlantis, lived in great numbers. Today they are still present in the etheric realms to share their deep, universal wisdom with us.
Some of the Kaloo are part of the Order of Melchizedek and they hold the infinite wisdom of the Order of Light. They were Ones who kept alive Cosmic Intelligence and guided various lines of Essene initiates from this higher field of intelligence. Some of this guidance prepared the grounds for Yeshua’s incarnation into Christ Consciousness, and later supported a cosmic understanding of the high initiates’ soul path after the event of the resurrection.
Our Accommodation: World’s First EES Healing Hotel!
€144.00 incl. VAT
We will be staying in a sanctuary that supports inner peace and well-being – the Miericoast Healing Centre. The centre is nestled in the mesmerizing landscapes of North Cyprus, and stands as a haven of beauty and tranquillity. With its enchanting blend of rich history and captivating charm, this remarkable establishment offers a sublime retreat for those seeking an extraordinary experience.
Embracing the spirit of innovation and holistic wellness, Miericost is the home base for a groundbreaking development started in September 2023: Cyprus’ very first Healing Centre with a 24-unit Energy Enhancement System (EES). A beacon of rejuvenation & transformation, immersed in serene surroundings, this centre is a sanctuary for individuals embarking on a remarkable journey of healing, guided by expert practitioners.

What is EES – Energy Enhancement System?
Our sharing circles, with spiritual transmissions, will take place in the Energy Enhancement System (EES) room, which hosts a spectacular view of the Mediterranean Sea.
EES generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve circulation and immune function, reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods and assist in balancing R/L brain balance for optimal meditation and sleep states, increasing cell membrane potential, mitochondrial and stem cell activity and energy levels for optimum function, for optimal meditation and sleep states, and giving the body the tools and energy it needs to help heal itself.
It can eliminate and nullify effects of disruptive frequencies in the body while optimising cellular energy levels to 70-90 millivolts. For more information:

“I highly recommend to attend a retreat to anyone seeking spiritual growth, no matter where you are on your own spiritual path. I’m sure it will bring you insight and highlights. It was mystical, magical and filled with love and coming together. I met wonderful people that I felt immediately connected to and most of whom I’m still in contact with. The meditations Anna & Petra prepared for us were incredibly profound”
Petra’s & Anna’s Experience with the Healing Centre
A feeling of magical opening overcame us when we felt the energy of the souls creating this Healing Centre, and the potential of the EES that was now being made available to the global public!
Anna: “When I first found the Miericoast Healing Center online, my heart exploded with joy! The only thing I knew was that we absolutely needed to visit this centre as soon as possible… Within 6 weeks, we were there! When we arrived, I understood my body’s reaction. The field of miracles was SO potent here! We moved into a completely activated, higher field of intelligence. Here, we experienced how to live on earth from the Consciousness of One. All of the relationships were operating from this higher field of intelligence. What an immense feeling of relief to finally touch this higher operating system once again, after it has been shut down for so long!”

We found the team at the Miericoast sanctuary to be soul family, deeply dedicated to bringing wholistic healing modalities to humanity, and our connection was clear from the start! We felt a divine resonance between us before our physical meeting took place, and we knew that we were guided by a higher light network to enter a co-creation. Our connection to Source Consciousness was ignited in an unforgettable way when we arrived at the Centre.
Petra: “Visiting this sacred place connected me with the purest form of consciousness on Earth. It gave me (and my body) the instant remembrance of my most original, whole being incarnated on Gaia. The resonance in this sanctuary activates the inner memory of Balance and Peace on all levels, and that is palpable for me in this sacred portal place! The Golden Earth Grid is of Diamond quality here, connected to the Cosmic Ark of the Covenant and the deep sacredness of Gaia. This is where I remembered the New Jerusalem again. This is where I became this consciousness incarnated; this is a place to BE this consciousness. In this field, there is nothing else but one’s most pure and unique BE-ing.”
Rise in Vibration & Healing
We travelled in the company of a geobiologist who measured and mapped our Bovis levels, a unit of measurement used to measure life force energy. Every day, multiple measurements were done, and our Bovis levels started to multiply exponentially. They rose so rapidly that the regular Bovis Scale could no longer be used.
As our life force energy rises,
the codes of the Ark of the Covenant are activated in our DNA
and we have greater access to our Creation Potential!
Through muscle tests, we ascertained that with each passing day, cell replication in our bodies was accelerated. Petra’s knee, which had been operated, began to show signs of healing. Anna’s inner ear reacted strongly to the healing field, and her physical sight significantly improved by the end of the week.
Indeed, we met a man in the centre who had been blind for 40 years in 1 eye. On the 3rd day of treatment with the screens, he shared that he started to experience dizziness and strange visual phenomena, as his clinically blind eye began regaining sight. When we met him, he could read the writing on our t-shirts and count the number of rings we were wearing with his previously blind eye.
What can you Expect in the Retreat?
We will be meeting in the EES room for 4 hours daily, for 6 days, starting on Monday. Every day, we will meet for the allotted time, allowing space for individual & collective revelation. We will generally meet in the mornings, allowing the afternoons for individual process work – but we will keep a flexible program to meet real-time needs. We will allow our program to reveal itself through the space of the One Heart, in a balance between group and individual exploration.
Every day, we follow the inner guidance for our program because we are committed to following the energies in the present moment. The program will include spiritual transmissions, EES sessions, visits to sacred sites, daily swimming in Gaia’s Mediterranean Sea and more…

Your booking includes an all-in experience:

Through the unique teachings and guidance of Anna & Petra from Mary Magdalene’s School, a week of collectively experiencing the field of unlimited possibilities though the Great Mystery.

Extra-ordinary inner journeys of remembrance, unity consciousness & healing, offered through ancient & new Mystery School teachings.

Sacred wisdom to activate & move through inner spiritual thresholds.

Transfer together with other participants from Larnaca to Miericoast Healing Center, ensuring a seamless and comfortable start to your retreat. We will coordinate a central place in Larnaca where you will be picked up.

Seven nights of blissful accommodation at the Miericoast Healing Center, where you can unwind and recharge in a tranquil setting.

Indulging in a culinary experience of live, organic food throughout your entire stay, providing the essential fuel for your healing process. Three exquisite vegetarian meals support the physical detox process of this holistic healing week. It is possible to order other meals at your own expense.

Enhancing your healing journey with an exclusive, uniquely plant-based supplement, charged with Full Spectrum Frequency Energy, available only at Miericoast Healing Center. This supplement will significantly aid in your healing process.

Experiencing the powerful benefits of a 4-hour Scalar Energy Healing Session daily, fostering deep rejuvenation and balance.

Embarking on a memorable trip to the coast, experiencing the healing power of the sea, and immersing yourself in the natural beauty and serenity of the ocean.

Enjoying a personalized, one-on-one therapy session.
May 5 (Sunday) – Bus-Taxi transfer (appr. 3 hours) from Larnaca to Miericoast Healing Center.
Arrival at Healing Center by 13h00.
May 12 (Sunday) – Morning Bus-Taxi transfer to Larnaca at 9h00 (AM).
Prices & Payment
€ 3.100,- per person in a shared room
€3.700,- per person in a single room (limited availability)
Prices include an All-in experience (see above).
The reservation fee is €1.000,- per person at booking.
This payment confirms your registration for the retreat.
The remainder of your payment is due latest April 5, 2024.
Prices do not include travel expenses to and from Cyprus.
For this extraordinary journey, additional discounts are not possible.
When the maximum number of participants is reached, you can request to be placed on a waiting list. Please contact Janneke at:
Early Bird Discounts
Important Note on Booking
Cancellation & Refund Policy
We are thrilled about your interest in the Magdalene Peace Prophecies Revealed retreat. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to the need for cancellations. Please review our cancellation and refund policy outlined below:
A full refund will be provided for cancellations made before March 5, 2024. No refunds will be issued for cancellations after March 5, 2024.
In the unlikely event that we must cancel the Magdalene Peace Prophecies Revealed retreat due to reasons beyond our control (e.g., natural disasters, government regulations), we will offer a full refund of the registration fee. We will not be responsible for any other costs incurred by participants, including but not limited to travel expenses, accommodation, or other associated costs.
Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements and costs. We recommend that participants consider travel insurance to mitigate any potential financial loss due to unforeseen circumstances.
Our organization will not be held liable for any failure or delay in performing our obligations under these terms if such failure or delay is caused by an event outside our control, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, war, government actions, or any other force majeure event.
In the event of cancellation, we will make every effort to communicate the decision promptly through our official communication channels (website, email, social media).
By registering for the Magdalene Peace Prophecies Revealed retreat, participants acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this cancellation and refund policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us
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