Online Global Meditations
Several times a year, through Online Global Meditations, we call on all women & men to join us to create a worldwide community of the One Heart. Through our joint consciousness, unconditional love and commitment to peace and harmony with all life, as well as our deep service to the Life Force, we amplify the field of the New Earth.
In this work, we collectively move into the sacred space of the heart. We heal and transmute Old World energies in order to strengthen the consciousness of the New World. We heal inversions of truth in order to fully align with and embody our sovereignty and liberty.
When you join an online meditation, you can look forward to:
- Coming together as a soul family of 144.000
- Receiving keys to the solar principles
- High frequency transmissions & downloads
- Midwifing the birth of a new humanity
- Witnessing the rise of the Earth Paradise
- Guidance from Mary Magdalene
- Questions & Answers
- Meditations for higher frequency living on Earth
- Multi-Dimensional journeys with like-minded people
- Connection, collaboration and sharing
Everyone who feels the calling is welcome to participate in these gatherings! We meet online in private FB groups administrated by Mary Magdalene’s School.
Please look at the calendar for the next Online Global Meditation and subscribe to the newsletter so we can keep you posted.
Our next
Global Meditations
In our school, I learned more about Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and I had the fortunate opportunity to meet Petra and Anna, a life-changing encounter. Since then, my perception of myself, the Universe, and our humanity has taken on a deeper meaning with a level of understanding that never ceases to amaze me. I discovered my inner universe and have access to it, exploring it with like-minded souls. I recognize my Divine part and begin to
remember what I had forgotten for lifetimes.”