Meditations, Transmissions and Initiations – lead by Anna Vanickova and Petra van der Linden – Brussen – which were revealed throughout the Great Passage Continues – Twin Ray Consciousness online event
These recordings by Anna Vanickova and Petra van der Linden-Brussen offers over 5 hours of unique, consciousness expanding healing journeys for alignment with the New Earth Christed Grid. These are not meditations for relaxation. They are transmissions that activate your DNA, and they create the ideal conditions to receive initiations on the inner planes. One is led through various processes with the guidance of King Solomon and Queen Sheeba, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, St. Germain, the Pleiadians, and others.
We begin with the activation of the Solar Golden Liquid Plasma DNA, which allows us to understand ourselves as a living Golden Temple of the Sun. Working through forgiveness and unconditional love, we begin anchoring new sacred geometry with the Diamond-Platinum-Pearlescent Ray. We re-align our bodies at the Crystalline Rose Quartz Temple of Lemuria in the presence of the Alchemical Flame of the New Era. Through the Sacred Space of the Heart we unify the inner Christed Logos and the Christed Sophia and unite with our Twin Flame. As we do so, we embody Oneness Consciousness and we become a Living Human Peace Portal.