by Petra M. Brussen & Anna Vanickova – Mary Magdalene’s School
Scribed by Katherine Newburgh
The book Journey into the New Earth is intended as a guide for our soul family through this transition time, to support the process of purifying and uplifting our consciousness, connecting to the Sacred Space of the Heart, igniting the Light Body to access and inhabit our original multidimensional nature, leading to the use of our full human capacities. This process of remembering can sometimes feel like a labyrinth and it is very helpful to have a guiding light to know that we are held by Eternal Grace.

(The) Great Passage
In Mary Magdalene’s School, the Great Passage refers to the completion of an 8- meditation, initiatic cycle in which a person chooses and then acts to consciously evolve, in order to effectively assist in the birthing of the New Earth into physical reality.
(The) New Earth
The New Earth embodies the qualities of peace, love, harmony, symmetry, concord, transparency, compassion and deep, abiding trust. It is an earth where humanity lives its golden dreams through mystical revelation, and through the liberated hearts and minds of all who dwell here.
Age of Aquarius
As the Age of Aquarius is ushered in, peace will guide us home, and we will live on earth as brothers and sisters in equality. Unconditional love will be the guiding force on our holy path, every step of the way.
Ascended Masters
This is a term used to describe beings who have overcome all obstacles and have merged with Light/God/Source, who have transcended limited consciousness, met every challenge with success, and attained liberty by claiming the God-consciousness that is our birthright. In that, we join with great souls such as Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Mary Magdalene, and the Great Mother, among many others.
Ascendant Masters
These are those of us who are dedicated to the sacred process that led those before us to freedom!
Blueprint of the Soul
This blueprint is the original template, the underlying geometry of the being that is each one of us. Each of us has an energetic template with which we are born, that was created from the overflowing love and union that causes life to blossom.
Christed Grid

Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Divine Mind
Divine Mother
Etheric Temples
Great Central Sun
Higher Self
Holy Grail

Libraries of Light
Light Ray
Mary Magdalene
Miracle Consciousness
Mystery School

One Heart Consciousness
Rainbow Bridge
Rainbow Light Body
Sacred Space of the Heart
Sophia Christ Consciousness
Soul fragments
Each time we choose to incarnate, another aspect of us experiences life, each adding to the whole, as pieces of a work made of stained glass or mosaic. Each one of these living pieces is a fragment of our one soul. At any point of conscious choosing, we can access and reunite with all fragments of our souls that have the common wish to serve life and all that is good. “Becoming whole”, and “holy”, involves the unification of all these fragments.
Space holder
There are times that each of us knows that a particular path or meditation is not ours to complete; or that we are in a setting with others who are going through a process that is not ours. At these times, it is extremely helpful to stop and to simply hold a loving heart space for others to move forward in the work, in their healing, or in their expansion of consciousness. Space holding requires staying open, rooted to the earth and to the sun, and staying in the space of the One Heart, in order to create a safe space and to ground the work in truth and love.
Tiny Space of the Heart
In the space of the heart, there is a tiny space that is just for us, our own sanctuary, our own refuge, a place where we can come for comfort, rest, understanding, healing, nourishment, silence, and peace. It is a place that can expand to hold any whom we invite to join us there. It is a place of the deepest stillness and silence, and it is connected to everything in the universe. It is the space of the universal heart, and can also be experienced as the universal womb.

Toroidal field
From deep within, our heart and the sacred space of the heart emanate two powerful electromagnetic fields that are toroidal or doughnut-shaped, and arc out in the balanced shape of the toroid, then back to us in a perfect flow of energy. We each have a toroidal field, as does our planet, and the sun. It is the topography of an electromagnetic field emanating from the heart center.
Twin Ray
Also known as a twin flame, the twin ray is one: two bodies, one soul. The twin ray is one whose blueprint and energy frequency matches yours at all levels. The twin rays incarnate together again and again, to further and assist one another’s journey into fully open consciousness and ultimately, to enlightenment. Once enlightened, they serve the human family in its process of liberation and remembrance of its true nature. Twin ray souls do not necessarily both have to be incarnated physically in order to advance this mission.
Uluru is the largest rock on earth, standing 348 meters high, and rising 863 meters above sea level. It is sacred by the Aboriginal people and has origin stories known and shared in the dreamtime stories of the area. Uluru glows red at sunrise and sunset. It is surrounded with springs, water holes, rock caves, and ancient paintings. The bulk of Uluru lies under the surface of the earth. The spirits of the ancestral beings continue to reside in this sacred place, which is an important earth chakra connected to physical vitality.
Unity Consciousness
Unity consciousness is a field that rises naturally when we choose peace and co-creation with life-giving forces, embracing diversity and creating together as one being, with one heart for life and for Gaia.
The uroboros is an ancient symbol that depicts a snake or dragon eating its own tail. It represents the beginning and the end of time, often seen as a symbol for the eternal cyclic renewal of life, death, and rebirth. The uroboros is one of the earliest symbols for infinity.
24 Day Online Course
We Are The Ones
We Have Been Waiting For
This course has been conceived to support you in your spiritual awakening. Spiritual emergence is a process of YOU emerging into the world as your True Self. As you awaken, you will see that deeply encoded in you is a connection to many, if not all, the themes presented in this course.
The materials are intended to re-awaken you through heart-based high-frequency codes.
This awakening opens you to the reality of your multi-dimensionality and highest potential. Through this course, we offer you the possibility of entering into a deep process with yourself. Within this process, you will learn about, reflect on, and do deep research into your own spiritual awakening. Using an interactive workbook, videos, and audio recordings, you are invited to begin, or deepen, a journey into your own Inner Mystery. As you delve deeper, layer by layer, at your own pace, your True Self will emerge.