Journey into the New Earth – The Book
by Petra M. Brussen & Anna Vanickova – Mary Magdalene’s School
Scribed by Katherine Newburgh
The book Journey into the New Earth is intended as a guide for our soul family through this transition time, to support the process of purifying and uplifting our consciousness, connecting to the Sacred Space of the Heart, igniting the Light Body to access and inhabit our original multidimensional nature, leading to the use of our full human capacities. This process of remembering can sometimes feel like a labyrinth and it is very helpful to have a guiding light to know that we are held by Eternal Grace.
Journey into the New Earth – The Book
We are thrilled to introduce this first book, Journey into the New Earth, published by Libraries of Light Media & Publishing!
The content of this book originated in the 3-week global online gathering Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage. In this gathering, we rejoiced at collectively inhabiting the space of the One Heart, with 15 000 participants from 150 countries around the world!
Mary Magdalene’s guidance through the Great Passage was miraculous, surprising and full of grace, and those who participated felt this deeply. Her community gathered together from many countries, from many different traditions and from many realms. We were exposed to, and collaborated with, many Light Beings who gave guidance and direction, and shared their wisdom. We experienced a whole new way of being in the world, as planetary and galactic citizens remembering our place in creation. This was a true celebration of the magic of life!
The book Journey into the New Earth is intended as a guide for our soul family through this transition time, to support the process of purifying and uplifting our consciousness, connecting to the Sacred Space of the Heart, igniting the Light Body to access and inhabit our original multidimensional nature, leading to the use of our full human capacities. This process of remembering can sometimes feel like a labyrinth and it is very helpful to have a guiding light to know that we are held by Eternal Grace.
We inhabited a deep state of humility and gratitude in co-creating this book under Mary Magdalene’s guidance, and we are most honoured to share the teachings she finds important for humanity at this time. She is opening our consciousness to the records of the Libraries of Light so that they can be re-introduced into the world in a whole new way, aligned with the times in which we are living.
This introductory volume is part of the curriculum of Mary Magdalene’s School and published by Libraries of Light Media & Publishing.
This book is no ordinary book. This book seems to have borders to it. You can feel the two covers, run your fingers along the edges, and count the pages. But this book is, in fact, infinite.
The New Earth is here and it lives within, waiting only to be awakened into being
You are an embodiment of the New Earth, a beacon of hope and remembering for the entire cosmos. It is time now for you to live fully the role that you were born to play in the awakening of humanity.
This book is a tool for your ascension. Through the ancient practices of heart imagery and inner alchemy, delivered through new scripture and initiatic meditations, this book supports you in stepping into your true sovereignty – the Unity Consciousness of the era that is dawning now.
The maestra of this Great Passage is Mary Magdalene, who sublimely guides you to play your human part of the story, in perfect harmony with Creation. She is the Rainbow Bridge, the holder of Sophia Christ Consciousness. She reaches out to you from the shining Chalice of her heart, to feel your presence and your commitment to your True Self.
The multidimensional nature of this tome mirrors your own multidimensional self. It will support you in becoming the sovereign author of your own tale while you connect with the content within. With the great number of Light Beings who are present to help you, you will be guided from your Sacred Heart to restore your relationship to the Divine Mother.
The meditations in this book bring you into resonance with unconditional love, compassion, and self-acceptance, which form the foundation for all healing and growth.
This book holds 8 written meditations and the sacred teachings of each. The original live audio recordings from Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage online gathering can be bought through the website of Mary Magdalene’s School. They have been transcribed for this book, with a few modifications.
The New Earth is a deeply sensory place, bringing you into harmony with the wisdom of your whole body. Therefore, we offer the meditations also as they were given to the world – as spoken live transmissions. In listening to them you receive light codes through intonation, through cadence, through the transmitted universal voice of love. Hundreds of people have written to us about the magic they have experienced through this spoken word!
This introductory volume is part of the curriculum of Mary Magdalene’s School and published by Libraries of Light Media & Publishing.
“The book gives new meaning to the expression ”the living word”! I felt uplifted by
magical energy after each read and it was a fresh experience to be able to hear/feel/see
whatever came to me from the silence. When I re-opened the book last night to re-read one of the meditations I was amazed at how familiar it felt, yet at the same time I felt I had hardly touched the material and there was so much more to come…I know I will read this book many, many more times and also that somehow the material is within me… I do hope that you will have the chance to read this fabulous, living treasure chest of a book for yourselves!”
![mary-magdalene’s-school-vezelay621 mary-magdalene's-school-vezelay621](
Who we are
As we introduce ourselves, we would like to acknowledge that this book was not created by us individually, per se, but by the cosmic Feminine Christ Consciousness that has blessed us with the visions, talents, resources, and training to receive and relay the information contained herein. Mary Magdalene tirelessly aligned us with the highest divine potential of this journey. We have become instruments of this divine intention for the manifestation of a whole new energy system, which is a Holy Grail.
The original content was brought forth by Petra M. Brussen & Anna Vanickova during the online Gathering “The Great Passage” from Mary Magdalene’s School. Mary Magdalene’s School was founded by Petra van der Linden-Brussen and Anna Vanickova in March 2020 during their retreat We Are the Ones we have been Waiting For! During The Great Passage online gathering, Kate appeared on the horizon, ready to enter the process of scribing this material into the form of a book. She arrived through the wind of timelines, ready to honour her deep gift, and her vow to her own Great Passage.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, not yet. The book is only available in English.
No, it is not (yet) available as an E-Book or Audiobook.
Yes we have. You can view all meditations here.
Yes, you can. The course is conceived as an independent study for all levels. You can enroll here.
The glossary, containing definitions and explanations of key terms used in the book, can be found here. Feel free to refer to it for a better understanding of the terminology used throughout the text.
order the meditations
Live Transmissions – Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage
The meditations in the book originated in Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage online gathering. They have been transcribed for this book, with a few modifications. The New Earth is a deeply sensory place, bringing you into harmony with the wisdom of your whole body. Therefore, we offer the meditations also as they were given to the world – as spoken live transmissions. In listening to them you receive light codes through intonation, through cadence, through the transmitted universal voice of love.
** We advise that people who have mental illness – who have undergone psychiatric care or other serious mental care – should NOT use these tools. This material requires us to be deeply anchored in the material world.
References About the Meditations:
“Extraordinary beautiful and full of wisdom!! I experience the most beautiful inner journeys thanks to your calm voices and guidance… So grateful to join you for more than a year and feeling so blessed! Your meditations are the treasures in my life and inner being! Thank you both from the bottom of my heart and Soul!”
– Marie Jose Soons
24 Day Online Course
We Are The Ones
We Have Been Waiting For
This course has been conceived to support you in your spiritual awakening. Spiritual emergence is a process of YOU emerging into the world as your True Self. As you awaken, you will see that deeply encoded in you is a connection to many, if not all, the themes presented in this course.
The materials are intended to re-awaken you through heart-based high-frequency codes.
This awakening opens you to the reality of your multi-dimensionality and highest potential. Through this course, we offer you the possibility of entering into a deep process with yourself. Within this process, you will learn about, reflect on, and do deep research into your own spiritual awakening. Using an interactive workbook, videos, and audio recordings, you are invited to begin, or deepen, a journey into your own Inner Mystery. As you delve deeper, layer by layer, at your own pace, your True Self will emerge.